seems like most groom and bridegroom to be sudah siap dgn wedding checklist masing2.saya? huhu..I am glad that me and mr.fiance dah booking awal2 ape2 yg patut such as;1) pelamin 2) baju sanding 3) baju nikah 4) set bilik tidur 5)photographer 6) make-up 7) kursus kahwin dah ...tapi still banyaakkk lagi kot yg x siap. ape lagi ek; 1)canopy 2) catering 3) hantaran2 4) tok kadi 5) door gifts 6) homestay...ape lg ek..ntahla...maybe rase mcm lmbt lg kot and yg penting2 mcm da book..harap2 lepas mr. fiance sembuh, dapat pg tgk balik baju yg da di booking tuh.mane tau ade design baru!
Monday, June 29, 2009
cik kiah dan cik gayah
tolong.saya x larat la ngan cik gayah dan cik kiah yg ade di opis.bukan opis saye je.mane2 opis pun.msti ade kan.tak boleh ke kalau sehari tak mengumpat org lain kat opis.jawapannyer...mmg tak boleh.nak jadi org baik mmg mencabar.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
pindah 2
Today, I went to see my new rented house at Bukit Jelutong. I went with Yat, one of my best buddies since TESL. Thanks babe for accompanying me this afternoon. Luv U. So, today was my first meet with my new housemates starting next month, Izyan and Kak Azi. We have one more housemate, but she couldn’t make it today. Three of them do know each other. So, I will be their new housemate. I don’t expect too much because I just need some spaces and comfortable place for me to work, to sleep, to do my assignments and to have my privacy in a place that I call HOME. Therefore, I don’t expect them to treat me like their best buddy or what; it’s good enough if all of us can respect each other. So far, Izyan and Kak Azi seem like a nice people to me. 4 of us will be moving in on early July. And surprise surprise, Izyan is part time MSU student! Hopefully, she will be not my student for this new semester. It will be so weird though….
I’m planning to move out my things, slowly, within this week to the new house. There is still one Indian man is living in that house. Scary huh? I must bring someone along when I want to move out my stuffs over there. I’m still thinking whether to ask my dad n mom to help me to transfer out my stuffs or should I just get one lorry to do that. I don’t want to trouble my parent but knowing my dad, he is for sure wanted to make sure what kind of place that I’ll be living. Oh ya ayahku. Selamat Hari Bapa. U’re the dearest and the most handsome that in the world!
Do u wanna know a secret? Shhhh…I can’t hardly wait to move out!
I’m planning to move out my things, slowly, within this week to the new house. There is still one Indian man is living in that house. Scary huh? I must bring someone along when I want to move out my stuffs over there. I’m still thinking whether to ask my dad n mom to help me to transfer out my stuffs or should I just get one lorry to do that. I don’t want to trouble my parent but knowing my dad, he is for sure wanted to make sure what kind of place that I’ll be living. Oh ya ayahku. Selamat Hari Bapa. U’re the dearest and the most handsome that in the world!
Do u wanna know a secret? Shhhh…I can’t hardly wait to move out!
Being a lecturer/ tutor at MSU is quite a challenging job for me. Why? These are the reasons:
1. Too many workloadsAs a lecturer, u will be not only teaching, but you have too many works to do that sometimes you will be thinking, ‘Am I suppose to do all these?’. The answer is yes. Apart from teaching for high number of hours in a week (especially for English lecturer), I have to prepare my own materials.Therefore, I need to be very selective in choosing the best materials and references for students. I plan to teach students by using LCD projector this time around. I am very sure bachelor students need something that is more ‘colourful’ to look at. Thus, I need to prepare slides for lectures. I want to reduce the numbers of games that I have been included for last semester. I want the students to be more serious this time. I have already checked the appropriate materials that I could use for English Language Awareness (UCS 1163). So far, I am very satisfied with this one book ‘Success’. The contents are very interesting indeed. Also, ELA will be focus more on Listening and Speaking task. Therefore, me and my other two colleagues had came out with one solution for the big project-sketch ( I used to handle this when I was teaching in UiTM Sri Iskandar). Our big boss seemed agree with our proposal. And please bear in mind, I have 24 teaching hours in a week!
2. Preparing quizzes/ exam questionsI have experienced preparing exam questions in UCI before, but actually I am really looking forward to join a course or what we called it here as CTS. I want to learn how exactly to be a good exam questions setter. It is challenging u know, to set a exam paper if we don’t have the right skill. We must be very vigilant about the alignment, margins, and fonts and so on. And of course we have to choose a good material in order to prepare the best and quality question paper. Plus, the answer scheme. In MSU, all the lecturers must prepare their own mid sem and final exam question paper. And after that, there will be a moderation and vetting process before choosing the best exam paper. The selection will be made by our big boss or the experts. So, we can not be so depress if our paper is not selected. ‘Try again’ is the attitude here. Penat kan, buat penat2 tapi last2 paper org lain yg dipilih. Just look back and improve!
3. Preparing teaching and assessment portfolio
This is a must for all private colleges because it is required by MQA. But, it takes quite sometimes and effort to complete the compiling and stuff. Must be very tolerant in doing it. Here comes all the stuffs that will make u become headache such as preparing the Scoresheet, Item Analysis, QS1, Coursework Matrix, tagging, printing tagging, finding back your students’ quizzes and assignments to compile in the portfolios. It will take a year! Haha
4. Marking exam papersJust imagine, I have 113 students from last semester and I don’t know whether I will get more for tthis new semester. Some of my colleagues have 200 plus students while a few has less than 50 students. So, it depends on luck actually. Thus, just imagine how many exam papers that I need to mark each mid sem and final exam. 113 papers! And usually we will be given a week to complete all the markings.
5. Meeting
Almost every week we will be attending a meeting. Some meetings will drag to 3 hours. And sometimes, we have 3 meetings in a week!
6. Mentoring
One thing that I have never experienced before at my previous workplace is mentoring. So, when I have to do mentoring here, I was like in a ‘don’t know what to do’ mood. At the first place, I think it is too much if a lecturer should handle all the students’ problems and take all the burdens. I think students are just should refer to admin or counseling department if they have any problems. Mentoring sessions will be held once a week for two hours. Each mentor (lecturer) will have 20-40 numbers of mentee (students). As a mentor, a lecturer should alert if his or her mentees have any problems regarding academic or study. But of course, some students will drag the mentor into their personal problem. I am quite disagreeing with this mentoring because I think the students will be so spoiled and become too dependent. The mentor also needs to organize any event or interesting activities for the mentoring session.
7. And yes. I have to work on Saturday, sometimes by doing nothing at the office. And yes. Thank you very much for that one.=P
1. Too many workloadsAs a lecturer, u will be not only teaching, but you have too many works to do that sometimes you will be thinking, ‘Am I suppose to do all these?’. The answer is yes. Apart from teaching for high number of hours in a week (especially for English lecturer), I have to prepare my own materials.Therefore, I need to be very selective in choosing the best materials and references for students. I plan to teach students by using LCD projector this time around. I am very sure bachelor students need something that is more ‘colourful’ to look at. Thus, I need to prepare slides for lectures. I want to reduce the numbers of games that I have been included for last semester. I want the students to be more serious this time. I have already checked the appropriate materials that I could use for English Language Awareness (UCS 1163). So far, I am very satisfied with this one book ‘Success’. The contents are very interesting indeed. Also, ELA will be focus more on Listening and Speaking task. Therefore, me and my other two colleagues had came out with one solution for the big project-sketch ( I used to handle this when I was teaching in UiTM Sri Iskandar). Our big boss seemed agree with our proposal. And please bear in mind, I have 24 teaching hours in a week!
2. Preparing quizzes/ exam questionsI have experienced preparing exam questions in UCI before, but actually I am really looking forward to join a course or what we called it here as CTS. I want to learn how exactly to be a good exam questions setter. It is challenging u know, to set a exam paper if we don’t have the right skill. We must be very vigilant about the alignment, margins, and fonts and so on. And of course we have to choose a good material in order to prepare the best and quality question paper. Plus, the answer scheme. In MSU, all the lecturers must prepare their own mid sem and final exam question paper. And after that, there will be a moderation and vetting process before choosing the best exam paper. The selection will be made by our big boss or the experts. So, we can not be so depress if our paper is not selected. ‘Try again’ is the attitude here. Penat kan, buat penat2 tapi last2 paper org lain yg dipilih. Just look back and improve!
3. Preparing teaching and assessment portfolio
This is a must for all private colleges because it is required by MQA. But, it takes quite sometimes and effort to complete the compiling and stuff. Must be very tolerant in doing it. Here comes all the stuffs that will make u become headache such as preparing the Scoresheet, Item Analysis, QS1, Coursework Matrix, tagging, printing tagging, finding back your students’ quizzes and assignments to compile in the portfolios. It will take a year! Haha
4. Marking exam papersJust imagine, I have 113 students from last semester and I don’t know whether I will get more for tthis new semester. Some of my colleagues have 200 plus students while a few has less than 50 students. So, it depends on luck actually. Thus, just imagine how many exam papers that I need to mark each mid sem and final exam. 113 papers! And usually we will be given a week to complete all the markings.
5. Meeting
Almost every week we will be attending a meeting. Some meetings will drag to 3 hours. And sometimes, we have 3 meetings in a week!
6. Mentoring
One thing that I have never experienced before at my previous workplace is mentoring. So, when I have to do mentoring here, I was like in a ‘don’t know what to do’ mood. At the first place, I think it is too much if a lecturer should handle all the students’ problems and take all the burdens. I think students are just should refer to admin or counseling department if they have any problems. Mentoring sessions will be held once a week for two hours. Each mentor (lecturer) will have 20-40 numbers of mentee (students). As a mentor, a lecturer should alert if his or her mentees have any problems regarding academic or study. But of course, some students will drag the mentor into their personal problem. I am quite disagreeing with this mentoring because I think the students will be so spoiled and become too dependent. The mentor also needs to organize any event or interesting activities for the mentoring session.
7. And yes. I have to work on Saturday, sometimes by doing nothing at the office. And yes. Thank you very much for that one.=P
Friday, June 19, 2009
I was helpless-no motivation to blogging lately with no valid reason. I have tried to find something sparkling that will motivate me to write again and again. A lot of things happened in my life since last day I blogged, but it seems I just don’t have the drive to share them over here.
Yesterday’s evening, after work, I wasted my money for 3 hours at cc since I can not berfacebooking at my office. Usually, to save budget, I used to online at Pak Li or Bangi Kopitiam while having my tea o’ ice or just simply online nearby. But, lately I was so damn lazy to do that. I wanted to have a nice comfy zone of my net surfing. You could imagine how much I’m being dreaming to apply a broadband network for my notebook once I think i could manage my cash properly.
Back to the story, so I was surfing the net, facebooking, and I don’t know why I was so eager to read this one person’s blog. I know this lady but not that close. It happened that I know her because she is my coursemate in UM. I just wanted to have the gut to write for my blog. Ok, the truth is I wanted to read her blog because I wanted to get to know her deeper and I love her writing. Her English is marvelously good.
Therefore, I read her entries from the first page. Without realizing it, I was so interested to her story of life and I could say she is so generous with her words, she is a nice person and her life is full with surprises. Then, came at the sad part of her life, I was so amazed and impressed with what she has going through with her family. Who can tell, despite of her soft spoken, her gentleness, her sweetness, her brilliantness and her perfectness that most of us can see outside of her, she has that problem that maybe had ruined the meaning of perfect life.
To the girl, if u’re reading this and if u’re thinking that I am writing about u, yes I want to say this. I ADORE U. U don’t know how much impact that u have left in other’s people’s life just by reading your story. And I am one of it. I am so touched, inspired and motivated by your kindness and spirit. I don’t care if u’re the brightest girl and the most beautiful girl in campus, because u just deserve it, girl!
It happened that one lecturer in my masters’ class seemed to confuse me n her. Sha said in some ways, we do look alike. I don’t know. But, once I finished reading her blog, I found that there were a lot of similar circumstances that she and me had been through in our journey of life. Hidup ini banyak kebetulannya kan?
Yesterday’s evening, after work, I wasted my money for 3 hours at cc since I can not berfacebooking at my office. Usually, to save budget, I used to online at Pak Li or Bangi Kopitiam while having my tea o’ ice or just simply online nearby. But, lately I was so damn lazy to do that. I wanted to have a nice comfy zone of my net surfing. You could imagine how much I’m being dreaming to apply a broadband network for my notebook once I think i could manage my cash properly.
Back to the story, so I was surfing the net, facebooking, and I don’t know why I was so eager to read this one person’s blog. I know this lady but not that close. It happened that I know her because she is my coursemate in UM. I just wanted to have the gut to write for my blog. Ok, the truth is I wanted to read her blog because I wanted to get to know her deeper and I love her writing. Her English is marvelously good.
Therefore, I read her entries from the first page. Without realizing it, I was so interested to her story of life and I could say she is so generous with her words, she is a nice person and her life is full with surprises. Then, came at the sad part of her life, I was so amazed and impressed with what she has going through with her family. Who can tell, despite of her soft spoken, her gentleness, her sweetness, her brilliantness and her perfectness that most of us can see outside of her, she has that problem that maybe had ruined the meaning of perfect life.
To the girl, if u’re reading this and if u’re thinking that I am writing about u, yes I want to say this. I ADORE U. U don’t know how much impact that u have left in other’s people’s life just by reading your story. And I am one of it. I am so touched, inspired and motivated by your kindness and spirit. I don’t care if u’re the brightest girl and the most beautiful girl in campus, because u just deserve it, girl!
It happened that one lecturer in my masters’ class seemed to confuse me n her. Sha said in some ways, we do look alike. I don’t know. But, once I finished reading her blog, I found that there were a lot of similar circumstances that she and me had been through in our journey of life. Hidup ini banyak kebetulannya kan?
I’ll be moving out to a new house soon. Nope. It’s not that I’m moving because I’m getting married but i just believe that I have to love myself more than anything else. X paham? Well. I’ll tell the story later la yer nokk..
Anyway, last week, when I have decided to move, I was browsing the website. After being introduced to the web by my syg epul last few months, I could say it is a very helpful website for looking a house/ room or if u want to advertise your room/house. I think everybody is aware of it, right? Hehe just me …trying to be informative here. Then, I have listed and short-listed some rooms that I thought should be suitable for me. While thinking and considering, one colleague of mine was saying that she will be moving to this one apartment in Bukit Jelutong at the end of the month. Her convincing elaboration about the place was quite enthralled me to move there. And in my short-listed rooms’ list, there was also one room available at that particular same place and the price of room is cheaper than the one that I am renting now. But, the colleague had reminded me that the room is small. Thinking that I just want to rent that room just for while (maybe until October), I think size doesn’t matter. Realizing that, I can’t hardly wait to have a look at that place and without wasting time, the colleague had offered to accompany me to go that apartment during lunch time. Oh ya, actually she is staying at that apartment with her brother n sis in law at the moment and has decided to rent a room nearby.
During lunch time, we went to the apartment and OMG! It was just like 10 minutes from my workplace or even less than that. I was so happy. The apartment is quite beautiful. It has 4 floors with a lift! Plus, with a security guard. Then, she brought me to see her brother’s house. The living room is not that big but not too small. Then, she showed me the small room that I planned to rent. Yes, it is quite small compared to my current room. But, I don’t mind. I don’t need a big room. Just enough for me to have some privacy and have a good rest in my own room.
After having several thoughts about it, I’ve decided to move to that apartment and contact the h/p number of the person who had advertised the room. She said that the room is still available. And until now, I haven’t seen the room even though I can picture the dimension of the room. And I must say the person that I’m dealing with, is quite strange. She is hardly to pick up my call and hardly to reply my sms. And this girl also will be my housemate. Now, she said that we have two options of house to rent. I just can wait and see what will happen next. Besides her, there will be another person will be sharing the house. I am dealing with strangers!
I hope to see the house first before I make a right decision to move in. I also already advertised my room to anyone who likes to rent a room via and And so far, there are few who seem interested and will be confirmed soon. I really hope there will be a tenant for my room and I will move in by early next moth!
Anyway, last week, when I have decided to move, I was browsing the website. After being introduced to the web by my syg epul last few months, I could say it is a very helpful website for looking a house/ room or if u want to advertise your room/house. I think everybody is aware of it, right? Hehe just me …trying to be informative here. Then, I have listed and short-listed some rooms that I thought should be suitable for me. While thinking and considering, one colleague of mine was saying that she will be moving to this one apartment in Bukit Jelutong at the end of the month. Her convincing elaboration about the place was quite enthralled me to move there. And in my short-listed rooms’ list, there was also one room available at that particular same place and the price of room is cheaper than the one that I am renting now. But, the colleague had reminded me that the room is small. Thinking that I just want to rent that room just for while (maybe until October), I think size doesn’t matter. Realizing that, I can’t hardly wait to have a look at that place and without wasting time, the colleague had offered to accompany me to go that apartment during lunch time. Oh ya, actually she is staying at that apartment with her brother n sis in law at the moment and has decided to rent a room nearby.
During lunch time, we went to the apartment and OMG! It was just like 10 minutes from my workplace or even less than that. I was so happy. The apartment is quite beautiful. It has 4 floors with a lift! Plus, with a security guard. Then, she brought me to see her brother’s house. The living room is not that big but not too small. Then, she showed me the small room that I planned to rent. Yes, it is quite small compared to my current room. But, I don’t mind. I don’t need a big room. Just enough for me to have some privacy and have a good rest in my own room.
After having several thoughts about it, I’ve decided to move to that apartment and contact the h/p number of the person who had advertised the room. She said that the room is still available. And until now, I haven’t seen the room even though I can picture the dimension of the room. And I must say the person that I’m dealing with, is quite strange. She is hardly to pick up my call and hardly to reply my sms. And this girl also will be my housemate. Now, she said that we have two options of house to rent. I just can wait and see what will happen next. Besides her, there will be another person will be sharing the house. I am dealing with strangers!
I hope to see the house first before I make a right decision to move in. I also already advertised my room to anyone who likes to rent a room via and And so far, there are few who seem interested and will be confirmed soon. I really hope there will be a tenant for my room and I will move in by early next moth!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
sama ke
Pada suatu petang, selepas pulang dr kejer, baru selesai parking kereta, dan mahu naik atas, tiba2 datang satu mamat ni dari mane2 ntah. Dalam hati (mesti nak jual atau promote bende alah yg untuk security kereta tuh, org perodua la ni).dah tahu dah ape nak cakap kat mamat ni.
setelah menghampiri saya, dia bg salam.."Assalamualaikum Kak..."
Aku pun nak tak nak je jawab.."walaikummusalam"
"Saya nk tanye sikit la kak"
tanpa sempat dia nak bagi soalan dia tuh, aku da bagi ayat penamat "x pe la. saya x nak la bende security2 kereta ni.nntila sy beli kat kedai.lgpun saya nak cepat ni.lain kali la ek"
"tak.tak.bukan.saya nak tanya ni.akak ni puteri sarah ke?"
cheh.wat malu aku je.ingat ke nak jual barang tadi rupenye die ingat aku ni artis.
sebelom dia periksa muka aku btol2 same ke x dgn puteri sarah tu ke..baik aku berambus sambil cakap "tak.tak la dik.akak bukan puteri sarah.akak naik dulu keh" hehe.ngokngek tol. slalu cakap muke kite mcm org ni la, org tu la, sepupu la, kakak la, adik la, artis la, tapi si puteri sarah ni terlalu kerap da org cakap kat aku.sampai daripada aku x kenal sape die ni smpai da jd kenal.adela dalam lebih 30 org cakap stakat ni.same sgt ke,aku ingt lagi, mase kapel ngn nabil giler tuh dulu, kawan2 die sumer panggil aku sarah.budak opis aku ni pn cakap bende yg same.mase aku stay umah kawan aku kat seremban dulu pun kawan2 diorg ingt aku ni puteri sarah.sebenarnye, malu gak.sbb puteri sarah ni kan femes ngn gambar2 melampau die.okeh, sekadar hiburan, here i posted some pictures of her with her friends.

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Roda 2
kan betol hidop ni mcm roda.smlm sy sedih sbb dpt berita jahitan kat operation yayang keluar darah.i was so worried. and today Alhamdulillah i am soo happy.
Today, i have spent all day long at my fiance's house because of his sis's engagement.rasa sangat dekat dengan semua sanak saudara die. semuanya baik2.syukur sangat rasanya dapat bakal mertua dan bakal saudara-mara yg sangat baik.yg suke bergurau senda.
Dan i am so happy to see him smiling all the way..boleh buat lawak lagi, x boleh duduk diam..ishh ishh ishh kite pulak yg risau tgk die aktif sangat.jahitan operation x baik pn lagi.harap2 die x aktif sgt jalan ke sana ke mari sbb sy nak awak cepat baik.
The engagement ceremony was going smoothly dan sangat meriah.congrats to ida.tunggu turn kamu next year ye (hormati org yg lebih tua hehe)
Rasa happy sangat family awak dapat terima saya =)
Friday, June 5, 2009
Hidup ni memang macam roda kan.sekejap kite kat atas sekejap kite kat bawah.sekejap kite happy sekejap kite down. Tapi Alhamdulillah, kite kene yakin kalau ade masalh tuh, or kite tengah down tuh, tu namenye dugaan atau ujian. Dan Alhamdulillah, time happy tuh lagi banyak drpd time sedey.
I am so worried with my fiance's health condition. I will never be as cool as i am till he is full recovered. Bestkan kalau dah kawin. boleh saya jaga dia 24 jam.die sakit saya boleh tolong kurangkan sakit dia, saat die rase lemah saya nak tiupkan semangat dia jangan putus asa, time die nak makan ubat saya nak jadi nurse dia. tapi sekarang masih ada batas-batasnye sbb sy hanyalah tunang, belom isteri yg sah lagi. Ibunya lagi berhak. Ibunya lagi layak berada bersama2 dgn die.Dan saya sangat kagum dgn ibunya yg menjaganya dgn baik.
awak..selagi awak belom betol2 semboh, sy x kan pernah tenang.sabar ye cyg =) I'll always b here n there for u
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