I considered her as my best friend because i think that she understands me the most. I trust her with all my heart. Plus, she knows all my secrets. Even though we are not sharing the same character, but i love her tenderly. The first time we met was at Kolej Akasia, Shah Alam. We were sharing the same room or I considered it as a small apartment (wahhh). She was so cute with her short and wavy hair back then. A year later, we moved into a same rented apartment and same room again. We were like a twin! I was with her since her first bf, second one, third one (haha) till she found her true love, her hubby now ( who happens to be my hubby's best friend). Then, we further our master together, same course and we had lunch together, paid the fees together, did assignments together, studying for final exam together, present our slides together, went to the library together, everything together. We also celebrate our new year eve together when we had out heart broken by stupid and useless guys. We slept on the same bed after convincing each other that we deserve a better guy in our life (am crying now). She is the one who soothed me with her word and told me that she is always with me even though the world hated me so much at that time. we are always will be here and there, anywhere, during our ups and downs, sad and happy, cries and laughs.now, she is pregnant for 6 months and i pray she will go through this miracle smoothly and i don't mind at all to have her daughter (if) as my daughter-in-law hahahah...i love her very much. full stop.
She is more than a TESL-mate for me. We started to become close when we were working at UiTM Seri Iskandar, back then in 2007. I guess we share the same thought. We can work together very well. I love the moment and can't stop smiling every time the memory of AKSENT (our theater club) haunts my mind. We acted together on one big stage before big audience, we were nominated as the best actress, and yes she won the title...and she deserves that. There's no word that could describe my feeling. How i miss our moment in Seri Iskandar, we went to all over the places, being homesick and sharing views during our journey from KL-Seri Iskandar and vice versa. She is the one who will not judge you and love u just the way u are.
The friendship is still new. We were close when both of them joined this university last year, where i work. Fina, she is very outspoken and true, she will just say it out loud, whether it is going to hurt u or not. sometimes i felt she is so loud with her words and critiques but at the end, she made me realize that life is all about being alert and focus. I admire her beauty and intelligence (fina, ko jangan kembang kalau kau terjumpe blog aku ni). Fifa, we were close because she is a friend of Fina and I like her as well because apart of her petite size, she has a good thought, tho. In short, three of us are mommies with one child (except for fifa, she is expecting a second child), hoping to graduate for our master's program within this semester & ambitiously to change our life for a better future. Basically, we will meet up once a week (they are already left this place), have our lunch together and talk about our kids and life. I love u guys.
One of the reasons that I could not leave this place is because of my colleagues. Lovely and cheerful. There are 60 of us in this department and I could say that we are very close. My life will be empty without them. I love them dearly.
p/s: of course i have so many other friends (u know who u are) but i just listed few friends that had remarkably meaningful to me.