It has been 2 years that I am working here, at this place. Not that long? For u, yes. But, for me, it is....long. I have been working at three places before my current workplace...and this is the longest period i have stayed so far. of course, wherever u work, there will always a problem here and there. U tend to complain and express unsatisfactory about almost everything. I guess among all of the places that i have been working at, this current place has the most complaints i have ever made. ok. forget about the complaints. now, it's all about the 'blessing in disguise'. i am not sure for how long i'll be here. until the end of this year? next year? 2 years time? or i'll stay here for good? (huh scary). but, one thing is for sure that I might not have the opportunity as I am having right now, here. After my confinement last year, my ex-boss called me to her office and said i have been appointed as an English Coordinator without me knowing it. i said i need time to think about it. After discussing with my husband, he said why don't give it a try. but, my concern at that time was the big responsibility that I have to hold. Because why? At that time (even until now), there were so many problems occurred for English Lecturers. And I know (even they didn't tell me directly), the main reason they promoted me was to encounter all the problems. It was like put all the burdens on my shoulder. That was challenging. But, i don't know. Maybe I am the kind of person who loves to take risk and challenge, so I said 'OK' to my ex-boss.
Now, It has been almost 5 months that I have accepted the challenge. I have interviewed so many candidates who wish to pursue their dream as an English tutor / lecturer.And most of them are here. Few of them have left for a better future. But, the main point for this entry is that i would like to appreciate this bonding among us (the English Lecturers). We are very close. In fact, all of them call me 'Mummy!'. I must say, their presence here has cheered our life and indeed, they are very good educators. Their young spirit has stunned many hearts. Girls, I am so proud of u.
In our Foundation Center, there are 13 of us now. 10 of them have been interviewed by me. And it is a co-incidence..they are all pretty in their own way...till at one point, my colleagues who are teaching other subjects teased me, "Yana, kau ni pilih lecturer English semua yg cun2 je!' hahhaha. what can I do. those who came for the interview and have made it through are all beautiful! Meaning...they have beauty plus the brain! so, i was not the one who should be blamed on haha. In fact, i was not the only one who interviewed them. Usually, I will be accompanied by my Programme Manager.
I just like to express my gratitude for this opportunity. I might not happy with other things here but for sure, I am so happy with my 'anak-anak tiri' here...hahah. I might not have the opportunity at this age in other places. Correct?
Dear my 'anak-anak tiri', i really love u guys...hope this relationship will last forever, wherever u guys are...Let me introduce my lovely gurls here:
i prefer her to call me 'Kak Yana' instead of mummy because of ermm...she is not that new here.
she used to call me 'kakak tiri'. but now, she calls me 'mummy' because the rest call her 'Kak Ngah'...she is so polite and sweet. if I know a very good gentleman, i will definitely introduce her!
She is 'Kak Adek'.She is very true..i mean she will just say whatever she feels right.
she is so hardworking and organized. She loves to ask questions regarding works.
Nadia kak Long
She is 'kak long'. Very bubbly,witty and jovial. she is very loud.
Che Ah
She's very sweet. I am so impressed with her commitment.
She is a mother of one, like me. She is so cute.
I like her intelligence. We call her 'Bucuk'.
She is very honest. and know how to bring herself well.
Very outspoken.pretty. positive. hardworking. but she has left for a better future.
Smart. Very informative. she also has left us for uiTM Penang.

Flying kisses from kak ngah, che ah, shallinni, kak long n mun

kak ngah, kak long n kak adek

with Ana

with Mun

with Fia

nad n nas

Love u gurls! mwahhhhh