We went back to Kuantan- my hometown last weekend till Tuesday. Hubby and I took a leave on Monday since Tuesday was a public holiday (Thaipusam). I really need a vacation.. a holiday.. and I intended to go back since my parents' house was affected by flood in December last year. So.. I wassapped my family, telling that we are going home.. and asking my brother if he is going home too. Such a good news, he said they are going back too.. Ok double joy ! I wanted my boys to get closer to their cousins- Irfan and Ikram and I miss them too! And Alhamdulillah... my boys are getting better in cousin-bonding since they rarely meet. As expected, Naeem was so friendly especially to Ikram. I guess the second child is more friendly? hmmm.. haha well at least this theory applies to Naeem and Ikram.

Look! That is Naeem.. he loves to make friends especially with boys! Ikram was shy at first but they were having fun afterwards when all Naeem did was.. following whatever, wherever Ikram does or go..haha..
Ikram lies down..Naeem will just copying
I am also happy that Fahri becomes more friendly nowadays.. He went for a ride with my dad and playing with his cousins
Ohhh this really made me melting! My nephews were washing my car...literally part of it
Naeem and my brother
playing ball
We also went to my aunty's house (a-must-go place) and managed to gomol this cutie cousin's 2nd child
Most importantly... I miss my parents so much.. IF I could stay with them..but my jodoh is with Klang man ;)
Love u matter what...
Everyone has flaws... nobody is perfect.. hope we can improve ourselves to be a better person as time goes by