This was the second time we went to I-City Shah Alam. It was a last minute plan as the kids wanted to splish splash in the water world. After hectic schedules in schools, abg Fahri seems to request to go to so many places haha...sian dia penat pergi school. To see their happy faces is priceless for mama and papa. Let's enjoy the pictures!
si kembar mama ... hehe mama suka kembarkan diorang
Now you are in your wonderland!
The excitement begins at the waterworld!
Tudung sarung fav mama haha.. anyway kami team takut air
Santai betul naeem
Thank you papa bawak kita pi sini
Memang seronok sangat tu
Ni dia pencinta air
kami yang takut air hahah
I love this candid 💗
suka sangat la tu abang fahri
ok dah mandi jom pegi tempat lain plak kat i city
kita naik Duck Ride..memang best walaupun bercinta sikit ride nya
Then we went to Space World sebab ada promotion hari tu
My Super Adorable Astronauts
Hihi comel semuanya
House of Horror pun ada but we did not dare to visit!!
My Kung Fu Pandas
Till our next trip boys!