Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I-City Theme Park Shah Alam

This was the second time we went to I-City Shah Alam. It was a last minute plan as the kids wanted to splish splash in the water world. After hectic schedules in schools, abg Fahri seems to request to go to so many places haha...sian dia penat pergi school.  To see their happy faces is priceless for mama and papa. Let's enjoy the pictures!
 si kembar mama ... hehe mama suka kembarkan diorang
 Now you are in your wonderland!
 The excitement begins at the waterworld!
 Tudung sarung fav mama haha.. anyway kami team takut air
 Santai betul naeem
 Thank you papa bawak kita pi sini
 Memang seronok sangat tu
 Ni dia pencinta air
 kami yang takut air hahah
 I love this candid 💗
 suka sangat la tu abang fahri

ok dah mandi jom pegi tempat lain plak kat i city
 kita naik Duck Ride..memang best walaupun bercinta sikit ride nya
 Then we went to Space World sebab ada promotion hari tu

My Super Adorable Astronauts 

 Hihi comel semuanya
 House of Horror pun ada but we did not dare to visit!!
 My Kung Fu Pandas
Till our next trip boys!

Naeem's first school trip


Lama tak cerita fasal my boys kan sebab memang banyak nak cerita actually tapi mama is so busy with work. My Naeem dah besar dah 5 years and sedar tak sedar dah setengah tahun pegi pre school Little Caliphs. Mama sebenarnya kenal sangat anak2 mama. So masa Naeem nangis first day pergi school hari tu, I know that it will only last for two or three days. And yes, it did. Lepas tu dia nak je pergi school kena pujuk2 sikit la.

I still remember I told him this to pujuk him to go to school. Masa tu pergi kedai bawak dia beli mainan. Then sebelah kedai ada lorong tangga, pastu ada seorang pakcik tua tengah kutip makanan dia and rehat kat situ. It seems that he sleeps there. So I said to Naeem:

"Naeem, tengok pakcik tu...kesian dia tak de rumah"

N: Nape dia tak de rumah mama?

"Sebab mungkin dulu dia tak pergi sekolah (ampun pakcik hehe). Kalau dia tak pergi school macam mana nak belajar pandai and dapat kerja and pastu dapat duit"

N: Dia tak pergi school ke mama?

"Ye la kot. sebab tu mama nak Naeem pergi school. Jadi orang pandai, boleh beli rumah"

Ampunnnn pakcik. Sorry mempergunakan pakcik hehe.

Lepas tu, nampak la dia nak pergi school walaupun muka tu kadang-kadang masam je. Tapi Naeem ni Alhamdulillah, senang pergi school. Tak payah nak pujuk sangat. Pastu rajin buat reading just cepat stress kalau dia rasa dia tak boleh baca hahahah

And Naeem ni sangat perfectionist. I bought him a watch so dia memang akan pakai and tak boleh senget2 same goes to kopiah dia. Mesti nak kemas2. Botol air mesti letak kat poket bag belah yang tak ada zip hahahahah And then, kalau tak dapat baca pun still nak mama papa tulis Good and draw stars! Sabar je lah haha

So last month he went for his school trip with the teachers and friends, without us. Masa tu lah rasa my boy dah besar and independent. They went to Little Kingdom KL.
 Naeem yang buat peace kat tengah tu
 Nape senyum macam tu dik
 Hope you are happy with your school friends
 Hoping that the teachers are nice with him

Semoga Allah swt permudahkan urusan anak-anak mama di school 💓


Back in March, I joined the Malaysian Women Marathon 2017 with one of my besties, Fya. Actually, I did ask my other friends to join coz it will be more fun (and more selfies together 😂) but only Fya could make it. Anyway, I had so much fun running with Fya and other runners in Shah Alam routes. I am quite proud of myself because I was having a toothache after a tooth extraction, BUT I did not want to miss this event. I was so excited to join because I need to get the momentum to run after keep procrastinating it! Alhamdulillah. Anyway, it was just a fun run for a start and a beginner like me. It was only for 6km. In sha Allah in future, I would love to join the race.
 6.30 am in the morning!
 I was struggling with my toothache pose ! hahah
 the crowd was amazing. I did recognize some familiar faces like Aishah Sinclair, Farah Fauzana and Vanidah Imran.
 And! We stumbled upon Kak Lin! Our ex-colleague. 
 So..automatically we menggedik 
 Our first marathon medals! Thank you fya for joining me! It was fun I love you!
 More running to come hihi

Fit's farewell outing

Assalamualaikum people!

Happy fasting in the holy Ramadhan! Before I post my Ramadhan story, let me put all the backdated events I had from previous months. 

We begin with the outing I had with my soul sisters. These are my lovelies, most of us were the ex-lecturers from my previous uni. Even though we are no longer working together but the technology will never make us apart. There are 5 members in this group; myself, Nadia, Fit, Aishah and Fizah. So, basically we met up to bid farewell to our dearest Fit who is now moving to Egypt, following her husband who has been transferred there for a work purpose. Together with her adorable son and daughter, I wish her all the best opening a new chapter in life. Even though we were sad that she is going to move, but we know we always have each other's back. Group yang ni tak de sedih2 and sayu2 okay sebab semuanya mulut macam samseng hahaha
 So, we decided to meet up at AEON Shah Alam.   
 Me and Fit are waiting for mak jemah2 yang lain
 Then, we went for karaoke! haha group ni ada ziana zain, siti nurhaliza dan i lah yang paling sendu- kak lina pompom 😋😂
 Ni ziana zain kitorang
 Kak Lina pompom was having a world issue discussion with Siti Nurhaliza😂
 I love you girls so much #tilljannah
 Sesi menggedik
 They are so funny believe me! My source of laughter!
Fit, we are soooo gonna miss you! Jeles and happy at the same time for you hahaha...take care di negara orang!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Zoo Melaka

Ok actually too many stories which I want to post here but I have sooooooo many works to do. BUT, before the stories become more backdated, let me just post them here without too much rambling. Just enjoy the pictures ..Hehe actually this is just for my record that I can always refer back in future. We went to the zoo a day before my SIL's wedding in Pontian. This was actually to fulfill Fahri's wishlist to see crocodiles. Unfortunately, most of the animals were in their 'resting' mode on the day we visited them.
 My boys. Kesayangan. Abg Fahri wanted to see crocodiles. Hence, he did not want to stop watching other animals...Adoila abang Fahri...boringla kalau tengok crocodiles je. Naeem so far x de fav anima to see.
 Our rombongan
 My handsome gentlemen
 Posed  next to the horses. Not that close. I am  a pengecut one.
 The boys and the giraffe
 After few miles, we finally met MR Crocodiles...buttt they were sleeping and it was so hot
 Regardless the hot weather, this crocodile lover was waiting for the animals to be awake
 Then, my SIL and family came and joined us...These are the grandchildren on my hubby's side
 Bonding with family is such a fun thing to do!
 See... sleeping je
 took a picture with Ms Supermodel at the back
 Was trying to pujuk Naeem
 They just can't smiling happily to the camera !! huhu
 While the mama is forever a camera-ready hahaha
 Papa yang semangat VS mama yg dah pancit
 One picture before going back
 One with my SIL's family
Oh sorry...another one won't hurt right? hehe