I am no good in making announcement thus most of my friends and acquaintances are still not aware that I am actually expecting my number 3. Alhamdulillah. Segala pujian to Him. I guess none of my friends have visited my blog so yeah I feel more comfortable here haha. I am at my 14th week of pregnancy and reaching my second trimester. May my pregnancy journey will be eased by Allah swt and everything will be OK.
Actually, I have been trying for number 3 since few months but I guess it was not that easy. Till to a certain point, I had a thought I am redha if my children are only two. I am thankful enough but at the same time I kept trying and leave everything to Him because His plan is the best plan after all.
This time around, the symptoms are quite different compared to my previous pregnancies:
1. I did not have an implantation spotting as I used to when I conceived for Fahri and Naeem. My UTP test even turned out to be negative when I checked after two days of period delay haha tak sabarrr... After two weeks of period delay (few days after raya) I decided to had another UPT test. This is due to i was having a very bad back ache after returning to Klang and was getting fever. And I remembered on the way to Kelantan from Taiping, I felt so dizzy and vomited inside the car. But I did not expect anything since I have checked the UTP a week back and it was negative. Then, the first day returning to office, I still feel dizzy and having back pain, thus I decided to do aother UPT check. I bought the irregular period UPT consists of two sticks with the thought, if let say the first stick turns out negative, then I will do another one the morning of Epul's birthday, if let say la ade rezeki. So, I went to the loo in workplace and with a little hope (because I was used to negative results for 5 months of trying), but Alhamdulillah I saw the double red lines. I was in shocked for a while. And I was crying for few seconds đ Syukur Alhamdulillah.. Actually I wasn't really hoping because I thought the symptom will be similar with my previous pregnancies which I had implantation spotting. I can only thank Allah swt for the good news. Then, I decided to keep the news until Epul's birthday in 4 days time. To surprise him on his special day. But guess what, I just can't keep it to myself because I started to have nauseousness haha.. So told Epul two days after and I am sure he is very thankful.
2. Surprisingly, my first trimester was not as bad as my previous pregnancies. I do vomiting at times but it wasnt something like before which I vomited each time after I swallow my food! This time around, I can say that I only vomit once in a week. I did vomit in car few times but everything was ok since I was ready with plastic bags and all. In short, I only took one MC so far Alhamdulillah.. it does not affect my performance in work. I am thankful to Allah swt because He is the best planner indeed. He gives us the rezeki when the right time comes. Just imagine, I found out that I was pregnant exactly when the semester break began. Meaning, just the perfect time for my first trimester while I am enjoying my three months break without classes. Actually, I was ready to take unpaid leave for a month after I found out that I was pregnant based on my helpless condition during last pregnancies. Alhamdulillah, so far I managed to go to work and just had minor dizziness at times.
3. It's also different for this pregnancy because I am thyroidless. Human without thyroid. I was too worried at times till I keep this news within my very close friends only. So far, I ve been for two check ups with my endo for my thyroid screening during pregnancy. Alhamdulillah everything is in good condition.
4. Since I do not have a terrible sickness this time, I managed to 'lilit2' my shawls still everyday haha. Unlike previous pregnancies, the only tudung i can put on is tudung sarung! because I just couldn't even look at the mirror last time... Alhamdulillah... I am quite surprised with the different symptoms that I am experiencing for this pregnancy. Syukran ya Allah.
5. Husband is being helpful especially at nights. Thank you love. But of course I already bear in mind that hubby needs to focus more on Fahri and Naeem compared to me as they really need attention.
6. Alhamdulillah Fahri and Naeem, at the age of 7 and 5, they understand my situation and asking me questions about the little bun in my oven at times. They help me sometimes haha when I need a massage. Thank you sayang2 mama.
Thank you Allah swt... May everything will turn out beautifully and may my baby inside will be healthy and grow perfectly shaa Allah
4. Since I do not have a terrible sickness this time, I managed to 'lilit2' my shawls still everyday haha. Unlike previous pregnancies, the only tudung i can put on is tudung sarung! because I just couldn't even look at the mirror last time... Alhamdulillah... I am quite surprised with the different symptoms that I am experiencing for this pregnancy. Syukran ya Allah.
5. Husband is being helpful especially at nights. Thank you love. But of course I already bear in mind that hubby needs to focus more on Fahri and Naeem compared to me as they really need attention.
6. Alhamdulillah Fahri and Naeem, at the age of 7 and 5, they understand my situation and asking me questions about the little bun in my oven at times. They help me sometimes haha when I need a massage. Thank you sayang2 mama.
Thank you Allah swt... May everything will turn out beautifully and may my baby inside will be healthy and grow perfectly shaa Allah