okay, why don't u guyz cuci mata ngan all these beautiful pictures first. Ada rasa teruja nak kawen tak? This is my best friend since school, Zaidioerra Eriannie. Tapi kita dah lama x jumpe sbb dah lain university and workplace. She was my bestfriend mase form 4 and form 5. After that, we have met for several times during our degree years. The last time i saw her was on her wedding day in Kuantan last year, April. But, we still keep in touch until now. It has been one year she got married to Alim and she just gave birth to her first beautiful son, Hakim last June. I can't wait to meet Hakim mesti sangat comel macam mak and papa die. Also, miss to catch up things with Zai. Well, what can i say is her life is like a fairytale. Tinggal x de fairy godmother je. But, she deserves it because as far as i know her, she is a very good girl, inside and out.Ada rasa nak lempang tak tengok all the gorgeous pictures ni? Will i be able to look as good as her in our wedding pictures at least? Zai, i think u're the most beautiful bride that i've seen so far. From top to toe, from A to Z. I love everything about Zai and Alim's wedding. From Majlis berinai, Solemnization, Reception and Majlis on Alim's side at Dewan Merak Kayangan to the wedding pictures, door gifts, semuanyer i dengki and jealous tahap dewa. Also, it can be said that Zai and Alim's wedding is the biggest inspiration for me to plan my wedding. Tapi haruslah diingat, kalau modelnyer dah cantik macam Zai, memang nampak cantikla semuanye. So yana. x yah nak berangan banyak sangat. Tapi i nak nampak good as well. So, Kak Nor, my make up artist, nanti make up saya kaw-kaw tao hehe..hish..beramgan jer.. Oh..i just hope my wedding also akan jadi sesempurna yang mungkin. Tapi, of course i have my own idea, depending on the budget lah kan. We can get the inspiration from any weddings that we like, tapi kita mestila berpijak di bumi yang nyata. Jangan la pulak because of nak cantik and perfect macam orang lain, hutang sini sana lepas kawen. Just get the ideas more or less and try to materialize them based on our means. Let us explore Zai's happy ending fairytale.
Majlis Nikah and Berinai, parent's home, Kuantan

ReplyDeletecantikkkkkkkkk. her picssss semua lawaaaaaaa
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