So, what is my wedding's colour theme? Actually baju sandingku nanti ijau lomot. ape? hijau lumut. or should i address it as kelly green? i like the colour. but bridesmaid i have asked them to wear white so nnti baru cantik. hantaran i da plan ngn my mom nak buat hijau putih. maybe white flowers with kelly green ribbons. OMG! i can't imagine how my mom n my aunt are decorating the hantaran back home. I am sooooo going to balik Kuantan this Friday.
Yippee! my kad kahwin da siap. And still mengikut theme..turqoise colour..my fiance was like...tur what? turqoise la sayang. x pela. men...diorang tau hijau je.i love my wedding cards! kawan2 ku..kad akan menyusul ye! mwahhhhhh
cantik nye greeeeeennnn!!! loves