on klang's reception, we have chosen baby blue plus white as for the theme...and yes..baby blue is always my fav. colour...for klang's side, i've been touched up by different MUA..she's from shah alam and she's the one who did the mke-up for 'Sehati Berdansa' programme...kak mas..quite expensive la..neway..being me..i'm very simple and it's easy to work with me..slack aikit la..mase on the way nk pg umah kat klang (15 cars altogether) ade yg sesat2..epul pn da tension..bersanding patutnyer pukul 2 da jadi pukul 3..so sorry to all our guests..x sengaja okay!..neway, after all ramai sangat yg dtg wpun cuaca panas sgt terik...

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