Reading ppl's blog is always making me feel motivated. Untuk blogging juga n improve myself. Sometimes, kite terlupa n hanyut dgn nikmat2 dunia yg ntah ke mana. Sampai jadi org yg x benar. That's why i love blogging n read others'. It is so motivating and inspiring.
Therefore...i need to remind myself all the time that:
1) I want to stop talking bad things about other people...and sometimes they are the ones that i love...
2) I want to be good and nice with everyone...kite hidup belum tentu sblm musibah's good to make people happy
3) Eventhough some people like to hurt me...i shouldn't have that feeling to do the same thing to revenge...let's just forgive and forget...
4) I just want to focus on my pregnancy and my hubby and also my work, family and proposal for my Research Report
5) I want to be and act more matured...I am a wife and soon mommy-to-be for God's sake!
6) I want to improve my life...hopefully i'll complete my masters a.s.a.p and then get a better job and pay!
7) Stop complaining too much!
8) Improve my relationship with my siblings, in-laws and family...
9) Be more rajin to do the house chores...hihi..u know...pregnancy thing... (yeah..blame the pregnancy)
10) I just want to be positive, cheerful and lovely all the time...and yeah...healthy!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
6-month of pregnancy

Ya Allah..
Tak pernah putus syukur ku kepadaMu..
Setiap dugaan pasti ku tempuh..
kerana nikmatMu kepadaKu melebihi segala-galanya...
aku bersyukur aku hambaMu..
Kau permudahkanlah and perindahkanlah hari-hariku
dalam menanti kelahiran yg penuh makna ini..
Tak pernah putus syukur ku kepadaMu..
Setiap dugaan pasti ku tempuh..
kerana nikmatMu kepadaKu melebihi segala-galanya...
aku bersyukur aku hambaMu..
Kau permudahkanlah and perindahkanlah hari-hariku
dalam menanti kelahiran yg penuh makna ini..
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