This is me...and my bb inside my womb...yeah rite...but this is the image that i had found from the net of 6-month pregnancy...but to be more accurate...i am on my 27th week of pregnancy...u see..so..my bb is almost well-developed now...and talking about moving and kicking inside? -- tell me about it! My 'hero' here is kicking and moving like Messi is kicking and passing a ball during World Cup Match...Yup...it's a he...I'm flattered...Alhamdulillah..now..i'm a healthy mother without pregnancy sickness- no more after 4-months of all day sickness.

maybe this is how my hero looks like inside if i do a scan of him using 3D ultrasound. I'm gonna '3D' him by end of this month. Can't wait to see u in 3D version, baby! Mama and Papa are sooo gonna put your 3D scan photo at the 'BB board'....and will be looking at u everyday, as always...

i'm not slim and thin like i used to be anymore, ladies and gentlemen...this is me...now..going to 7 months ...soon...but it's alright..i am happy...as long as the baby inside is kicking alive!

and still...this is the man i love..and always love...Happy Belated Birthday Papa...070710...next year InsyaAllah...there will be three of us ...! I am so thankful...
Ya Allah..
Tak pernah putus syukur ku kepadaMu..
Setiap dugaan pasti ku tempuh..
kerana nikmatMu kepadaKu melebihi segala-galanya...
aku bersyukur aku hambaMu..
Kau permudahkanlah and perindahkanlah hari-hariku
dalam menanti kelahiran yg penuh makna ini..
Ya Allah. I;m speechless.. ur baby is your image yoya.. has always been so beautiful.. and with great soul. insyaallah, amin.
ReplyDeletep/s : yoya baby ko senyum. comel sgt. and i love you so, even more.
yana!!!!!! sweetnye gambar pregnant!!!
ReplyDeletetachu: tu bukan baby aku la..hihi..ko ni x bace abis tau..i took it from the internet...anyway..i love u more!
ReplyDeletehana..thanx! hopefully boleh back to normal weight after labour =)
hahahahaha... babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aku ingat muka bb ko tadi sayam.... omg!! ok.ok. sila post gmbr scan.yoya,jgn pikir nak kurus k? aku tgk ko comel dan cantik sgt time mengandung ni. best giler. btw, i love u even more. u take care and my prayers are always with u. xoxox.