1 week pregnancy--haha..i noticed the date when this picture had been taken n counted the week...of course i haven't realized yet that i was already pregnant at this time ;p
Just now, my colleague, Kak mimie said...my tummy looks small for 7-month plus week. Yesterday, my mom came to my house n said my tummy looks like a watermelon! I don't know...i guess it depends on what I wear on that particular time. I don't mind...as long as my bb inside is safe n sound inside...can't wait to see u bb! eventhough i am scared enough to picture those frantic moment---labor contractions' pain...huhu..Ya Allah...please make it easy for me...Ameeennn...

this was also during my 1-week...at Anugerah Juara Lagu ...siap jerit2 lg dalam stadium...biasela tgk org nyanyi2

Masa ni da 2 weeks...tp mstila x tau lagi...still expecting lagi...

this one was otw pergi tgk baby Hani of Lin kat Putrajaya...this one pun mase 2 weeks...mase jumpe Lin n Mirol...diorang siap cakap..."mesti Yana berjangkit plak pas ni"....n yes...i did..i berjangkit - mmg da pregnant mase tu rupe2 nyer...so sesape yg nak pregnant cepat2 tu..banyak2 kan la ngendeng2 ngn baby n pregnant ladies!

16 weeks / 4-month....nampak sikit je perut...gambar2 mase 1-3 months x de sbb...i was terribly having my morning, afternoon, night...all day sickness... Only God knows how helpless I was...Luckily, Epul was so helpful and understanding...yela ..sbb die jugak kan...cian die...kene basuh baju (masuk dlm machine je pun)...jemur baju...iron baju..basuh pinggan...preparing the food...semuala...oh..i was really weak:
1- I couldn't get out from my bed...i was lying on my bed all the way... for almost 24 hours every day
2- MCs? tell me about it!
3- I couldn't stand the smell of perfume- any perfumes (car, house & even Epul's perfume!)..sian Epul terpaksa pakai perfume kat bilik store hihi...
4- I couldn't stand the air-cond as well!
5- I couldn't drive..kalau drive pn...dlm keadaan pening, loya n selalu muntah dlm kereta...n of course i have to switch off the air-cond!
6- All foods were tasteless....but i was hungry most of the time...sedih tol...lapar..tp bile makan..muntah balik..
but one thing for sure...my hubby was really nice...he never complained! Congrats papa!

16 weeks- just had a little nausea at this time

17 weeks- healthier

18 weeks- getting better and chubbier

18 weeks- da boleh pg jalan2 kat Morib

19 weeks- da boleh hantar my bro-in law pi Matriks Kuala Pilah...da x pening naik kereta

6-month- healthiest ever and happier

my tummy was getting more obvious

26 weeks- celebrated Epul's birthday

7-month at PD

7 month- And i can't hardly wait to see u bb!
Now, i am at my 31 weeks. Going to be 8-month soon....huhu...hope everything is going well...
omg yana u are so beautiful. glowing!!! sukaaaaaaaaaaa
ReplyDeleteMuah muah
cant wait to see your baby. i nak ngendeng2 ngn u la. nak baby juga. hahahaha
ok2! come! but wait...u have to get married first haha..sure u will..kan...jangan lupe jemput i yer ;)
ReplyDeletemuah muah back!