I miss my Fahri. Well, he is not going anywhere..it's just that the time, the situation, the circumstances that make me feel..Fahri is closer to his opah than myself. The thing is that...the routine that we have now is every morning, i will send Fahri to his Opah's house as early as at 7 am. Because nowadays, he refuses to sit properly, well-behaved in his carseat...so the only way to ensure his safetiness during our journey to Opah's house is by taking him out while he is still sleeping. Besides, our new house takes a half an hour to reach Opah's house. Fine. I am willing to. No problem. The problem is that...everytime we want to fetch him, i have to wait for my hubby first to reach home and fetch Fahri together. Like i mentioned earlier, it is because of the same reason...Fahri would not behave well if he is in the carseat. Thus, we need to fetch him together. And usually, hubby will just reach home the earliest at 7 pm.Then, we will take some time to perform Maghrib. Usually, we will reach Opah's house at 8 pm... and it depends..if Fahri had a good sleep on the afternoon...we will have more time to play n be with him..but if he is very active and restless, he goes to sleep at 9 pm! So, just imagine i have only one hour plus to talk, play n be with him...Last nite, when we fetched him, he didnt really want to hug me like he used to. He wanted his Opah more..and observing that, I was so sad..feel like crying...Even worse, I am gonna have my Annual Dinner tomorrow..and Staff Award on the morning...i m gonna loose my precious time with Fahri again...Fahri..Mama loves Fahri so much...How I wish i just could stay at home and take care of u, Fahri. sad.
dont b sad yana. all working moms have the same problems. u doa dipermuidahkan and dapat jalan baik.
ReplyDeletethank u hana darling
ReplyDeletefahri. mama yana. i baca this, mcm nak cry boleh tak yana? i sometimes feel the same way..sometimes, when i reach home, Adam falls asleep instantly. And I dont play with him at all. nak kejut, kesian. oh, i wanna quit but i cant afford to.
ReplyDeleteYana, i pray for only the best. for you and me. Fahri is so big dah skrg kan.
asma darling, tq! yes..dilemma for working mothers