I posted a status in my FB, saying that
Monday, 28 January 2008:

And I received comments from my friends, saying that it was really touching...and suddenly i remembered i have blogged about this in my old blog..i have googled it ...and yes..i found it hehe..let me re-post it over here
Monday, 28 January 2008:
feeling that u cannot get anywhere else...
today is my last day working in sri bestari school. there are mix feelings inside. Leaving the school, i feel sad but at the same time i just can't wait to start a new chapter in my new workplace tomorrow. All the teachers in the school are super nice. they are just like my family. plus, my students. i feel like crying when i told them today is my last day.they were really shocked when i told them the news. all the noisy and naughty boys stopped talking among themselves out of sudden n they started asking me.. " Teacher...what are u saying? u're leaving us? why? u don't like us meh?" just imagine...they are form 1 Chinese students. i just said " i have to go.. to purchase my dreams".. one of the boy, named Nielson said "ohhh... u get higher pay arr teacher" haha...nope...not the payment matters here, but the satisfaction i guess. but yeah..of coz..payment does matter. but in this case, i guess i am still not good enough to teach kids. i mean young kids like them. i need to learn more on how to handle kids. So, meantime let me do something that i really think i am more competent n enjoy doing it, which is teaching young adults. Even though they were asking me a lot of questions, 100 of questions why i am leaving...but i can say that they really didn't want me to leave. And one of the smartest boys in the class whispered to me " teacher..dont go la. i love u" i felt like crying. Nielson, the class rep., said that he didnt have the mood to learn today because i am leaving ( Nielson is soooo adorable 13 years old boy. sooo comel =) ) He asked me what do i want for my last day.. i said i want limau mandarin and ang pau. then he said.. "okeh no problem. i'll get u one" well of course i was just joking. After the class, i went back to staffroom and found out there were two ang paus inside my handbag. And Nielsen gave me angpau worth 10 ringgit. He is.... serious.Then, i gave him back the ang paus and told him i was just kidding. Then, he said dont worry, he will get me the limau mandarin. He said how many limau i want. Joking around again with this cute Nielson, i said "i want one busket or one packet".. then he said "okeh...no problem" n of coz i thought he is not serious because he wont get the limau as it's a school time. he couldn't go anywhere. About one hour before i was about leaving the school, i was on my way down the stairs to return the students' book and suddenly i met Nielson. Again!, carrying a box of limau mandarin! OMG! I said to him " Nielson, where are u going?" n he said " i want to give this to u laa teacher" ( just imagine, small kid like him carrying a box of limau mandarin. it was quite heavy for a boy like him) i was almost crying there. i asked him where did he get the limau. then he told me he asked his maid to come and went buy the limau outside. i was so speechless. I felt like wanna hug him. i told him that he shouldnt do that for me. it's a school time. but he said " anything for u teacher "...then after giving me the limau he said, almost crying " teacher....miss u...gonna miss u teacher.." i cant stand it anymore n said thanx to him n am gonna miss him too as well as the school. And, after i went back to my room, i found one card on my desk by Nielson, saying " Don't forget me- Nielson' n yess... i did give Nielson my number because this is the feeling that i cannot get somewhere else...

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