1. Breast pump
Of course this is the most important tool! I used to have a manual Spectra breast pump and an electric Spectra breast pump but I have given the electric bp to my SIL since I have stopped breastfed to Fahri. For my second baby, my SIL has told me that I don't have to buy a new bp because she wants to replace the one that I gave her with the new bp...and i requested for a freestyle electric breast pump.
2. Warmer. have not bought this one yet...Not sure whether to purchase it before or after giving birth. As a working mom, this is a must!
3. Cooler bag. Have not bought this one also. But, need to get this one before giving birth!
4. Bottles/ Bags for storing milk. Also need to be purchased before delivery!
5. Nursing Pad. Have bought this but I think I need more once I give birth.
6. Nursing Top. Need to find as many nursing tops as possible. But I guess I still have lots of tops that could be improvised as the nursing tops in my wardrobe!
7. Nipple cream. Never had this tool before. Gonna get one!
8. Nursing pillow. I am still surveying the best nursing support pillow...
9. Nursing bib. Yes, this bib is so important... I wanna have a look at the nearest Mothercare store.
10. Sterilizer. I think this one needs no rush. After delivery pun also can lar...
11. Oh one more. Nursing bra. Need pictures? yeah rite....
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