Tajuk macam gempak je kan haha... Actually, last Saturday, Fahri was involved in his pre-school, Little Caliphs (Port Klang Branches) annual road show and parents were also invited to the event. The road show was held in Tesco Bukit Tinggi Klang, at the food court area. RM25 was charged for the event. My husband and I were pretty excited about it because this is Fahri's first stage performance in front of a big crowd. We were so eager to watch Fahri on stage because knowing him, he is a shy boy. Would he be able to follow the instruction and memorize the steps?
Apart of being impatient on Fahri's performance, I was also being asked by Fahri's teacher to deliver a short testimonial. I was like ok.. can you imagine, I thought that I just need to 'whats app' the testimonial to the teacher..maybe they want to print screen my comment about the school, i thought at first. Haha. Then, when the teacher told me that I need to deliver it on stage, I was about to scream! My respond? I agreed to do it. I asked my husband to join me on stage. He refused and he said it is not "his thing". Well, I might have the confidence because my job is to deliver lessons every day in class to my students, but hey this is something new to me as well. And, the audience is totally difference. Nevertheless, I agreed to do it because for me, why not. The teachers have helped my son so much in achieving the skills that he are capable of doing right now (Fahri now can read two-syllables words proficiently, he can write alphabets, praying and memorizing few surahs) after 10 months of pre-schooling. So, why not I gave them a favor. Plus, I am not the only parent who is being asked to be on stage. For every class, two parents were invited to deliver their short testimonial. I did not prepare anything because I have witnessed my son's progression every single day, so I would just do it spontaneously. I would prefer the speech to be delivered naturally, without a script.

The boys woke up earlier that morning. Abg Fahri slept very early the night before and reminded us that he 'had school' the next morning.
The situation at the back stage.
Fahri's shock-face when he got to know that he has to perform in Tesco! haha As usual, there were morning dramas; kids were crying, some were too sleepy
The teachers at their booth behind the stage
the stage
Had to 'bribe' Naeem with these ball candies so that mama and papa could watch Abg Fahri performing on stage hehe
After 4 groups presented their performance, it's Fahri and his friends' turn! Look at my boy... still figuring out what was happening haha. I guess he did not expect that he would be performing before a quite number of crowd.
My shy shy boy. Fahri and classmates recited Surah An-Nas and later, they performed a song entitled 'Allahhu' ( of course they were just singing along and had some choreographic moves).. Anyway.. kids are always adorable no matter what they do. We are happy that Fahri was actually did not have the stage fright. He even could perform in front of a crowd. Well done my boy. Even though the steps were quite simple but my concern was more on the exposure he experienced from the event.
So, the mamafahri moment! It was just a short 5 minutes testimonial. I complimented the teachers and the methods used in LC....but, to be on stage with my son is definitely a limelight of my 2015, Alhamdulillah. I was happy to share my experience on sending my kid to Little Caliphs with other parents.
The final performance by all the students
Terselit anakkku di situ
Fahri and Acu, my SIL
Naeem got bored towards the mid of event, hence we bought him a pistol toy.. haii lahhh Naeem... Thank you my SILs, Ain and Aina for coming and showing some love!!
Us, after the event
We took lunch at the food court before going back
Kereknya muka minah ni
Eh husband dia pun sama je ;p
Mana ada kerek, senyum je...yg penting bagitau kalau nak amik gambar hahaha
one with papa
and mama... We wish you all the best in gaining more life experience be it in formal class or informal, insyaAllah. Ini baru pre-school haha. Let us just wait for Naeem's turn when he enters pre-school in 2 years time!