Fahri.besok mama start hantar Fahri umah Opah.jangan nakal2 keh.jgn susahkan opah sgt. susahkan sikit je hehe. hari ni genap Fahri 2 bulan. harap2 Fahri makin kuat minum susu n x nak ngamuk2 keh...be a good boy. ma n pa sayang Fahri banyak ni (nampak x panjang tangan mama ni?) ha..banyak ni lah. ok syg. mama mls nk masuk kejer balik sbnrnye. tp kan nak bagi Fahri makan, baju cantik2 n mcm2 lg la. huhu sedehnye. x nk pi kejer besok boleh x. nak dok ngn fahri je macam hari2
Monday, November 29, 2010
2-month young
Fahri.besok mama start hantar Fahri umah Opah.jangan nakal2 keh.jgn susahkan opah sgt. susahkan sikit je hehe. hari ni genap Fahri 2 bulan. harap2 Fahri makin kuat minum susu n x nak ngamuk2 keh...be a good boy. ma n pa sayang Fahri banyak ni (nampak x panjang tangan mama ni?) ha..banyak ni lah. ok syg. mama mls nk masuk kejer balik sbnrnye. tp kan nak bagi Fahri makan, baju cantik2 n mcm2 lg la. huhu sedehnye. x nk pi kejer besok boleh x. nak dok ngn fahri je macam hari2
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Dear Blog,
Even though i really hate this whole week, i want u to remember these dates (24th-30th Nov 2010) as the most hectic, craziest, restless, insane and ridiculous moments in my life (so far).
1-i have to try to finish up my RP before 30th, in fact, i need to re-do some of the chapters! (oh thank u to Dr S for not telling me earlier that my research is not really match my field of study! i geramm sangat..it is obviously u didnt read my chapters earlier, when u are supposed to! i really feel like i had wasted my time...luckily, i don't have to re-do the whole thing! it is even scarier to think whether my topic will be approved by senate or not...i thought u should know the whole process! urghhhhhhhhhhh
2-this week, most of the time i am all alone with fahri at home (hubby is working n have some training courses to attend)..of course fahri is my priority! so, just pray that my little boy will behave nicely ever because his mama is so angry and is so lack of time to do everything at one time (pleaseee baby, be a good boy ok..jangan ngamuk2)
3-i need to start with breastpump-ing as i'm going to start my duty soon..but do i have time? and of course i want fahri to drink my milk more than formula milk once i leave him with my MIL soon...so i have to mengepam within this week...
4- fahri loves to mengamuk without reasons lately...we have checked everything...he doesnt want milk, he doesnt poo-poo and he doesnt have kembung perut as well!..all he wants is to be in my lap or daddy's lap..oh fahri..how mama wishes i could only focus on u without thinking bout anything else!
5-of course i need to do my household chores..especially cooking n washing fahri's nappies..it's ok baby..mama will try to make time..
all i can do is to pray to Allah s.w.t to lighten my burden make thing easier for me...insyaAllah..i really dont want to extend to one more semester...ameen
Even though i really hate this whole week, i want u to remember these dates (24th-30th Nov 2010) as the most hectic, craziest, restless, insane and ridiculous moments in my life (so far).
1-i have to try to finish up my RP before 30th, in fact, i need to re-do some of the chapters! (oh thank u to Dr S for not telling me earlier that my research is not really match my field of study! i geramm sangat..it is obviously u didnt read my chapters earlier, when u are supposed to! i really feel like i had wasted my time...luckily, i don't have to re-do the whole thing! it is even scarier to think whether my topic will be approved by senate or not...i thought u should know the whole process! urghhhhhhhhhhh
2-this week, most of the time i am all alone with fahri at home (hubby is working n have some training courses to attend)..of course fahri is my priority! so, just pray that my little boy will behave nicely ever because his mama is so angry and is so lack of time to do everything at one time (pleaseee baby, be a good boy ok..jangan ngamuk2)
3-i need to start with breastpump-ing as i'm going to start my duty soon..but do i have time? and of course i want fahri to drink my milk more than formula milk once i leave him with my MIL soon...so i have to mengepam within this week...
4- fahri loves to mengamuk without reasons lately...we have checked everything...he doesnt want milk, he doesnt poo-poo and he doesnt have kembung perut as well!..all he wants is to be in my lap or daddy's lap..oh fahri..how mama wishes i could only focus on u without thinking bout anything else!
5-of course i need to do my household chores..especially cooking n washing fahri's nappies..it's ok baby..mama will try to make time..
all i can do is to pray to Allah s.w.t to lighten my burden make thing easier for me...insyaAllah..i really dont want to extend to one more semester...ameen
Monday, November 22, 2010
happy rimas
I am happy because i am already back @ my little heaven here in Klang. That means 3 of us are living together again like a real family now. small family n we are grateful to Allah s.w.t. my parent n lil sis are still here and there in KL..they'll be going back to Kuantan once the new little angel of my big bro arrives into this world soon..ohh..i can't wait..
I am rimas bcause even though i am supposedly to enjoy my few-days-left before going back to work next week, i dont have that much time to entertain other ppl (family n friends) n myself as i am in the mission to complete my Research Project paper a.s.a.p....going to meet my Dr S tomorrow. hope everything is ok n i am on the right track. Endless love and thanks toward my mummy who sacrifices her time to stay at my crib to look after Fahri while i'm doing my RP n going to see the supervisor tomorrow. sangat sangat sangat sayang umi n wa.
hmm..fahri seems to be in 'getting use to' mood at our house (it's your house, your real house baby!) The first two nights were quite nightmare for both hubby n I..just imagine..he was crying for 1 hour non stop..very loud..like something was bothering him...shuhh shuhh..stop bothering my baby! hmm..or maybe he wanted to announce his existence here at this area haha..
hubby seems very busy these days. meeting till late evening...training courses....but still..we manage to steal time n went for our first outing together with little fahri..huhu..we had learned our very important lesson if we want to take Fahri out (not sure for other babies)...*prepare Fahri's milk from home..dream on if u think that u will shake his milk and get the boiled water at the shopping mall! sometimes the mall's baby room services are not that good..huh.and Fahri was meragam n merajuk like mad! haha..what la...anyway, hubby n I have learned our lesson..so first attempt was not that successful...our next outing mission will be on this coming Sunday..hmm..can't wait..it's our first anniversary! Alhamdulillah..
i am quite nervous to meet my Dr S tomorrow....hoping everything is ok...finger crossed
Monday, November 15, 2010
Entry Rindu
It has been 11 months that hubby and I had tied the knot. i knew him for 8 months before i decided to get engaged with him, and 8 months later, we get married. how time flies. now, epul junior had made his appearance in our life.
Knowing your partner before and after marriage is totally a huge different thing. There are so many things that i've learned about my hubby as we have lived and stayed together for 11 months.
1. He is a super organized and detailed person! just imagine, he is the one who will put my important documents accordingly in few files without fail! i used to be a 'nyanyok' makcik who will always forget where did i put my stuffs including the important ones! i used to be the one who have so many unwanted 'rubbish' in my handbag! i used to be the one who never checked my car's battery (now he already changed it to free-maintenance battery) or the condition of my car's tyre but now...not anymore. i have someone who will always remind me to organize my things. if not, he will do it and i will get a 'nice' lecture from him! hihi
2. He doesn't really know how to cook. But, i love it when he tried to cook especially when i was helpless during my 1st trimester of pregnancy. I love the effort that he has shown in our kitchen even though all the 'rempah', 'tumis' and 'minyak' will splash to all over the ceiling...hehe..but honey..i love your 'telur bungkus' and 'ayam kfc'!
3. apart of his minor ability in cooking, he loves to make drinks! i will not be allowed to be in the kitchen if he is making his 'cincau laici', 'soya cicau' or 'milo kaww'..(chehh..secret recipe konon)
4. he is such a lovely brother to all his younger sisters and brother. i love the way he treats his siblings. He likes to make jokes, teasing around and every time we go for a vacation or shopping, he will always call and ask them if they want anything..
5. he is such a father darling! i am so mesmerized with his love and attention that he has shown towards fahri
6. he is a Liverpool die hard fan! Do not say anything bad about Liverpool or he will tarik muke 14! He will stick in front of TV and try not to suggest to switch to other channels when he is in 'liverpool' world
7. He is a snooker addict! knowing the fact that i don't really like him to play snooker that often, he will call me nicely, i will get the nicest words ever from him just for the sake to get my permission hehe
8. He loves small cactus and small fish very much!
9. his favorite food- rojak, ikan keli sambal, caramel pudding & sayur pucuk paku goreng tauchu. his favorite color- red,
10. i could say he is a perfectionist. he will make sure he will get the best out of the best!
11. he is a very determined employee and a strict boss to his staffs
12. he is more friendly than i am
13. he loves to smile and he has the best smile..
14. most of the time, he knows how to decide on things! and it is always the best decision. i love to consult with him if i am clueless about things..
15. his thoughts are making sense most of the time
16. he likes smart casual look..and hell yeah...he is so neat and tidy..
17. he doesn't like to help me washing the dishes, but he will have no problem to clean the rooms and washing the clothes
18. he has good PR! his communication skill had helped us a lot in getting our dream-stuffs
19. he has this charm of good-lucks
20. above all, he is a very loving husband and we never had an argument in our marriage life. merajuk2 kecik tu ade la...
Alhamdulillah...hope this will last forever...insyaAllah...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
On what not
I am happy today. It is because i had clearly understood on how to analyze my data! haha..thank u so much to my Dr. Supervisor! You really make things so much easier for me when i only could reach u via e-mails and mobile! I love u! I will start to analyze my data by today..and hopefully i will manage to finish it within this week..insyaAllah (finger crossed)
On the other note, i am waiting for an arrival of a new member of Abdul Salam's Clan! I'll be getting my new nephew really2 soon. My SIL is expected to give birth on this 18th of Nov (Thursday)...However, if she gives birth earlier than the date expected, we will be going to KL earlier jugak la..ohh..i can't wait to meet mr hubby and live under one roof again with him n of course with our little Fahri as well... oh, maybe i'll be celebrating and spending my Raya Haji here, at my parent's house without my hubby..it's ok..i'll meet him very2 soon..i don't know how good i am in managing my Fahri without my mom's help soon once i go back to my Klang's house. My hubby might be a good assistant, but what will happen if i have to manage Fahri alone when he is out for work? InsyaAllah i'll be fine...Fahri..u're a good boy, aren't u? (tag question resembles uncertainty? hehe) I'll start my duty back on 1st of December..so i'll have 2 weeks more or less to enjoy my so-called holiday..i think i'll fill it with my research project's works..
Oh..i just ordered and bought 7 items of hijab collections from online boutique! i am just soooo in love with diverse types of hijab and anak tudung...i can't wait to wear them and match them with my attires that i have abandoned since my 2nd trimester of pregnancy. To my clothes...i miss u guys a lot!
my biggest wish at the mo' is to complete my master's RP a.s.a.p. I will try n i will not put so much hope (knowing my true ability and procrastinate skill)...but am hoping a miracle will endure! haha..insyaAllah
On the other note, i am waiting for an arrival of a new member of Abdul Salam's Clan! I'll be getting my new nephew really2 soon. My SIL is expected to give birth on this 18th of Nov (Thursday)...However, if she gives birth earlier than the date expected, we will be going to KL earlier jugak la..ohh..i can't wait to meet mr hubby and live under one roof again with him n of course with our little Fahri as well... oh, maybe i'll be celebrating and spending my Raya Haji here, at my parent's house without my hubby..it's ok..i'll meet him very2 soon..i don't know how good i am in managing my Fahri without my mom's help soon once i go back to my Klang's house. My hubby might be a good assistant, but what will happen if i have to manage Fahri alone when he is out for work? InsyaAllah i'll be fine...Fahri..u're a good boy, aren't u? (tag question resembles uncertainty? hehe) I'll start my duty back on 1st of December..so i'll have 2 weeks more or less to enjoy my so-called holiday..i think i'll fill it with my research project's works..
Oh..i just ordered and bought 7 items of hijab collections from online boutique! i am just soooo in love with diverse types of hijab and anak tudung...i can't wait to wear them and match them with my attires that i have abandoned since my 2nd trimester of pregnancy. To my clothes...i miss u guys a lot!
my biggest wish at the mo' is to complete my master's RP a.s.a.p. I will try n i will not put so much hope (knowing my true ability and procrastinate skill)...but am hoping a miracle will endure! haha..insyaAllah
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Yesterday's evening, my cousin came to my crib..well, out of sudden ( he loves to do that )..but yesterday. he brought along his wife and kids. The above picture is fahri was sleeping beside rifqi. So, they are kupu-kupu la because fahri's mother and rifqi's father is sepupu hehe. Actually, Rifqi is only one day older than Fahri...so..u guyz can celebrate your birthday together okay! babies are just so cute when they are together..that's why twins are so dammnnn cute
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
kedegilan Chapter 1
napela susah sgt nk menyiapkan chapter 1 ni..when it supposes to be the easiest chapter huhu..i've sent my chapter 2 and 3..tp draft je la..it's ok..lps ni just edit2 je la..so x de idea nk wat chapter 1 ni..baru half way..i lost my words and thought...idea idea..cptla dtg..maybe i should do more reading..or maybe it is because this is the last day of my confinement...hehe
Monday, November 8, 2010
Cukur Jambul
I never like the term 'cukur jambul'. it sounds funny. Why not 'cukur rambut kat depan sikit'?..We had a 'cukur jambul' ceremony on last saturday. I am so happy that my family in law could make it to the majlis. And of course the papa! sangat lepas rindu hehe...during that day, we couldn't find any expertise to botakkan n shave fahri's head..so hubby and I have decided to postpone it when Fahri will turn 2 months. Maybe we will just simply go to any barber's shop and shave his hair clean cut! So, these are the pictures during the ceremony. I am so in love with my 2 heroes-papa and Fahri


still need to reduce some kgs...

happy face from mama

my FIL n MIL

Papa suke manjakan Fahri..yelar jarang2 dpt jumpe

me with my luvly sis

my sis n my mom

me with my sis n sis in laws

my kesayangan.mwah!
p/s: to those who wish to further their study, please do it before u have kids! i'm telling u..i've never imagined it is so hard to do your thesis when your baby is wanting milk, crying all the way, wanting to be in your lap and arm all the time...and their cuteness will stop u from writing your chapters! Mind u!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Doa for my sis
This is my one and only sis, Mira. I love her very much. Very much. Sbb aku sayang die, how could i tell her that i want her to be a good daughter, good lady, good sis, good student and good muslimah of course.
Dear sis bucuk, (if only she can read this)..
kak na nak yah tahu..kak na syg sgt ngn yah. u r my only sis.
i wish i could tell u that please jangan tinggal solat. jangan lawan cakap our parents. kalau keluar rumah, tutupla aurat, jgn layan budak2 laki yg ntah pape tu. sbb yah cantik. ramai org suke. jagela diri.
i know i m not that good. n maybe i am not good enough to be her role model.. but, i want her to be a good gurl. zaman skrg risau betul tgk macam2 kes fasal masalah sosial remaja. i dont know whether she has good friends or not. whatever she does, i pray that she will not leave her solat, ingat our parents..jgn malukan diorg..ingtla Allah S.W.T..
I am so regret sbb ade juge terlalai n terleka mase zaman awal2 remaja dulu. And i don't want her to be like that. I want the best for u, sis...love u..
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The experience

I would like to share the moment, the experience that i have gone through, when I was delivering Fari on 30th September 2010.
So, i was supposedly give birth to Fari on 10.10.10. That was the due date if he reaches 40 weeks...but he was born one week earlier....
ok..on monday (27th Sept) i went to work as usual la. siap pg lunch kat ole2 seksyen 18 lg..we had lunch at Kopitiam Pak Li..with my best colleagues (Aida, Fina & Fifa)..pastu siap tengok2 shawl..beli shawl..mmg berjalan je lar kejer nye (org kata kalau banyak berjalan...senang n cepat beranak)..then, when we went back to our office, i went to the lo..rase nk pee...tp ternampak satu kesan mcm bleeding..but it was just very little of it..then i went back to my office n planned to re-check after that..so every half an hour after that about 3 times, i re-checked whether there is more blood, but no..it was only the first bleeding..and i told my colleagues bout that..and they were like "Yanaaaa..ko da nk beranak" "Pergi klinik cepaattttt" haha so funny la diorg ni..siap ade yg bergambar lg ngn my tummy takot i terberanak besok haha..
But, i didnt go to see my gynae straight afterward, i told hubby about that and he asked me to call the gynae. I tried to reach her but the nurse said that she had a case that she needed to handle during that time..and the nurse promised me to call me back..i waited for few hours but the gynae didnt call back yet..so i decided to go back first..my hubby fetched me and we went back to my MIL's house..then, i got a call from the nurse, she said the doctor asked me to come over to the clinic for a check-up..
Then, we went to UMRA at 8 pm..then, i met Dr. Sudha..she checked my 'opening'..she said.."Oooh dear..it's already 3 cm. it's gonna be this week"..i was like "What? 3 cm? are u serious Dr?"..then she replied.."Hey, u are questioning my profession" haha sambil kenyit mata..ye la..x caya la..sbb due lmby lg..so she gave me MC for three days. die x bagi pg kejer da.. i called my mom..pastu my mom said she wanted to come over to look after me..
So, bermulalah game 'penantian satu penyeksaan'..my colleague especially Fina..everyday was asking me "Yana...dah ke" hehe sabarr..so..tuesday n wednesday..just rest kat umah la..but..on tuesday..i was so tired n rase x larat sgt..tp sempat lg cakap kat my mom n hubby.."teringin nk makan ketam masak lemak cili api" so..hubby pn belila ketam on wednesay but i told my mom to cook it for thursday's lunch...sbb budget baby kuar on Friday la..pastu, on Thursday, lepas online around 9 am, rase cam healthy sgt tp rase nk baring2..tetibe rase ade macam ter'pee' plak..macam ade air kuar..dlm hati 'alamak..ni air ketuban ke?'..my hubby was sleeping beside me..i kejut die cakap "Pa..ma rase air ketuban mi da pecah la"..so my hubby n my mom pn gelabah la..tp yg kelakarnye..sumer tiga2 skali sempat lg mandi tu haha..x nak busuk la konon..so pg klinik..around 9.45 am sampai UMRA..
dr Sudha pn check my 'opening'..she said still 3 cm..tp die kate air tu mmg air ketuban..but belum pecah lg..just bocor..but she said i kene admit hari tu jugak n maybe akan bersalin around 5pm...hayyooh..mase ni mmg dup da dup dap la...takottt...so..i pn admitted la dlm wad at 10.45 mcm tu..diorg ambik heartbeat baby sumer..ade sorang practical nurse n one midwife..hubby n mom balik dulu sbb ingt ke lambat lg..kelakar..my mom siap nk balik sbb nk masakkan ketam tu haha..but i said da x sempat la..dr da x bagi makan da..
so..around 11.30, Dr. induce sbb nk kasi contraction..because i was not having any contraction eventhough bukaan da 3 cm. so start rase saket around 1 pm..mase tu hubby da ade kt sblh..mmg dok cengkam tgn die je la kejer nye every time datang contraction..mmg sakit ya amattt...rase x tahan sgt..mcm piriod pain yg melampau2...tp i've heard mase tu that midwife told my husband i maybe bersalin around 5 pm macam tu...5 pm ape...tetibe around 1 pm..rase nk buang air besar tp saket sangatttttt...then i jerit.."sakeetttt..rase nk poo poo" hehe..pastu sume org da gelabah..ye la..sbb x budget baby da nk kuar that early..dr pn masuk bilik..n said "Ok Yana..this is the time. u kene push ok"..mase tu i was blur..i didnt know yg rase saket sangat mcm nk buang air besar tu sbnrnye saket baby da nk kuar..tp da x boleh pk sbb contraction saket sangat...so i guess dalam push yg ke-5, barula baby keluar..last push tu sbnrnyer i push dgn penuh semangat sbb dr kate die nak vacuum.. so i macam takot giler smpai push dgn sangat kuat haha..Alhamdulillah..labour pain i x lame..around 1.59 pm..lahirla Fary..n thanks to hubby..teman push yg sgt hebat!
pastu..bile stitching process..ya Allah..lg sakit rupenyer..sbb Dr nk kuarkan darah2 beku kt dlm..smpai rase nk tendang Dr..tp Alhamdulilah..semuanya dipermudahkan. Oh ya..mase sakit contraction n nk push tu..sempatla baca Doa Nabi Yunus n selawat banyak2..mmg membantu..so..kalau nk ingt balik sakit beranak..mmgla rase cukupla sorang tapi lame2 da x ingt da..Syukur Alhamdulillah..
yeayyyy yahooo!
Kenal x minah ni. Name die Fatin Liyana. she's so cute kan..sbnrnye ramai je manusia yg cantik kat muke bumi ni..tapi sbb die ni cantik plus menutup aurat. I suke tgk gurls yg pakai tudung tp still nampak style...siap ade ribbon lg atas tudung minah ni. so cute. sorry to fatin liyana. i took this picture frm your blog sbb u cute sgt hehe
ok..enough of her...today i went for outing with my sis, mira n fari..sbb my mom sibok nk prepare for this saturday (buat majlis cukur jambul fahri), so tpaksela bawak fari skali. actually nk cari botol susu for fari sbb die x nak minum susu botol lngsung..da mcm2 puting tukar n try tp die x nk. die nk direct breastfeed jgk. susahla nk tgal umah MIL nnti lau die x nk botol..so hari ni aim la nk p cari botol susu yg tlah disuggestkan oleh member2 mcm First Years, Tommee Tippee n Mum..tp x de plak pg cr kat East Cost Mall td..so ths salesgurl pn suggest la puting brand Pigeon ni..da balik td..Alhamdulillah..Fari nk minum..hopefully die akan teros ok la ngn brand ni..

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