I never like the term 'cukur jambul'. it sounds funny. Why not 'cukur rambut kat depan sikit'?..We had a 'cukur jambul' ceremony on last saturday. I am so happy that my family in law could make it to the majlis. And of course the papa! sangat lepas rindu hehe...during that day, we couldn't find any expertise to botakkan n shave fahri's head..so hubby and I have decided to postpone it when Fahri will turn 2 months. Maybe we will just simply go to any barber's shop and shave his hair clean cut! So, these are the pictures during the ceremony. I am so in love with my 2 heroes-papa and Fahri


still need to reduce some kgs...

happy face from mama

my FIL n MIL

Papa suke manjakan Fahri..yelar jarang2 dpt jumpe

me with my luvly sis

my sis n my mom

me with my sis n sis in laws

my kesayangan.mwah!
p/s: to those who wish to further their study, please do it before u have kids! i'm telling u..i've never imagined it is so hard to do your thesis when your baby is wanting milk, crying all the way, wanting to be in your lap and arm all the time...and their cuteness will stop u from writing your chapters! Mind u!
so sweeeeettt. so happy to see you smiling. you and your lovely family :)
thank u darling..will always pray for u too!