I would like to share the moment, the experience that i have gone through, when I was delivering Fari on 30th September 2010.
So, i was supposedly give birth to Fari on 10.10.10. That was the due date if he reaches 40 weeks...but he was born one week earlier....
ok..on monday (27th Sept) i went to work as usual la. siap pg lunch kat ole2 seksyen 18 lg..we had lunch at Kopitiam Pak Li..with my best colleagues (Aida, Fina & Fifa)..pastu siap tengok2 shawl..beli shawl..mmg berjalan je lar kejer nye (org kata kalau banyak berjalan...senang n cepat beranak)..then, when we went back to our office, i went to the lo..rase nk pee...tp ternampak satu kesan mcm bleeding..but it was just very little of it..then i went back to my office n planned to re-check after that..so every half an hour after that about 3 times, i re-checked whether there is more blood, but no..it was only the first bleeding..and i told my colleagues bout that..and they were like "Yanaaaa..ko da nk beranak" "Pergi klinik cepaattttt" haha so funny la diorg ni..siap ade yg bergambar lg ngn my tummy takot i terberanak besok haha..
But, i didnt go to see my gynae straight afterward, i told hubby about that and he asked me to call the gynae. I tried to reach her but the nurse said that she had a case that she needed to handle during that time..and the nurse promised me to call me back..i waited for few hours but the gynae didnt call back yet..so i decided to go back first..my hubby fetched me and we went back to my MIL's house..then, i got a call from the nurse, she said the doctor asked me to come over to the clinic for a check-up..
Then, we went to UMRA at 8 pm..then, i met Dr. Sudha..she checked my 'opening'..she said.."Oooh dear..it's already 3 cm. it's gonna be this week"..i was like "What? 3 cm? are u serious Dr?"..then she replied.."Hey, u are questioning my profession" haha sambil kenyit mata..ye la..x caya la..sbb due lmby lg..so she gave me MC for three days. die x bagi pg kejer da.. i called my mom..pastu my mom said she wanted to come over to look after me..
So, bermulalah game 'penantian satu penyeksaan'..my colleague especially Fina..everyday was asking me "Yana...dah ke" hehe sabarr..so..tuesday n wednesday..just rest kat umah la..but..on tuesday..i was so tired n rase x larat sgt..tp sempat lg cakap kat my mom n hubby.."teringin nk makan ketam masak lemak cili api" so..hubby pn belila ketam on wednesay but i told my mom to cook it for thursday's lunch...sbb budget baby kuar on Friday la..pastu, on Thursday, lepas online around 9 am, rase cam healthy sgt tp rase nk baring2..tetibe rase ade macam ter'pee' plak..macam ade air kuar..dlm hati 'alamak..ni air ketuban ke?'..my hubby was sleeping beside me..i kejut die cakap "Pa..ma rase air ketuban mi da pecah la"..so my hubby n my mom pn gelabah la..tp yg kelakarnye..sumer tiga2 skali sempat lg mandi tu haha..x nak busuk la konon..so pg klinik..around 9.45 am sampai UMRA..
dr Sudha pn check my 'opening'..she said still 3 cm..tp die kate air tu mmg air ketuban..but belum pecah lg..just bocor..but she said i kene admit hari tu jugak n maybe akan bersalin around 5pm...hayyooh..mase ni mmg dup da dup dap la...takottt...so..i pn admitted la dlm wad at 10.45 mcm tu..diorg ambik heartbeat baby sumer..ade sorang practical nurse n one midwife..hubby n mom balik dulu sbb ingt ke lambat lg..kelakar..my mom siap nk balik sbb nk masakkan ketam tu haha..but i said da x sempat la..dr da x bagi makan da..
so..around 11.30, Dr. induce sbb nk kasi contraction..because i was not having any contraction eventhough bukaan da 3 cm. so start rase saket around 1 pm..mase tu hubby da ade kt sblh..mmg dok cengkam tgn die je la kejer nye every time datang contraction..mmg sakit ya amattt...rase x tahan sgt..mcm piriod pain yg melampau2...tp i've heard mase tu that midwife told my husband i maybe bersalin around 5 pm macam tu...5 pm ape...tetibe around 1 pm..rase nk buang air besar tp saket sangatttttt...then i jerit.."sakeetttt..rase nk poo poo" hehe..pastu sume org da gelabah..ye la..sbb x budget baby da nk kuar that early..dr pn masuk bilik..n said "Ok Yana..this is the time. u kene push ok"..mase tu i was blur..i didnt know yg rase saket sangat mcm nk buang air besar tu sbnrnye saket baby da nk kuar..tp da x boleh pk sbb contraction saket sangat...so i guess dalam push yg ke-5, barula baby keluar..last push tu sbnrnyer i push dgn penuh semangat sbb dr kate die nak vacuum.. so i macam takot giler smpai push dgn sangat kuat haha..Alhamdulillah..labour pain i x lame..around 1.59 pm..lahirla Fary..n thanks to hubby..teman push yg sgt hebat!
pastu..bile stitching process..ya Allah..lg sakit rupenyer..sbb Dr nk kuarkan darah2 beku kt dlm..smpai rase nk tendang Dr..tp Alhamdulilah..semuanya dipermudahkan. Oh ya..mase sakit contraction n nk push tu..sempatla baca Doa Nabi Yunus n selawat banyak2..mmg membantu..so..kalau nk ingt balik sakit beranak..mmgla rase cukupla sorang tapi lame2 da x ingt da..Syukur Alhamdulillah..
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