Congratulations to my beau, Sha for her adorable new born baby girl- Adelia. She is so cute. She was born on 25th June 2011 at SDMC. Fahri has a new friend now =)

This is me and Fahri with Nis and her boy, Syuk..waiting patiently to meet the newborn Adelia!
hmm..after meeting Sha n baby, i think the friendship is complete and end up (so far) really well. U see, sha is the wife of Amin (my hubby's best friend. and they have another bff who is Shah, the husband of Nis. of course, Sha and I are best friend and we got to know Nis because Shah is our hubby's best friend as well. pening?

All of us back in 2009. at this time, Nis and I were already engaged to Epul and Shah. While Sha and Ameen were still in loovy doovy mode.

Best friends. Ameen (sha punyer). Epul (yana punyer). Shah (Nis punyer). hehe
And Alhamdulillah. Adelia's presence has completed this relationship. More babies will come ..insyaAllah ;)
congratulation to Sha!!! so cute!