Sunday, May 3, 2009


u see..i have always this anxiety when i have to think how i 'm going to make my lesson will be interesting for each class that i teach. so far, i've been teaching at this place for a month. and Alhamdulillah, i would say my students do enjoy my show hehe. i can say that most of them ( of course there are students who think that they are smart enough and no need to go class or they are just wasting their parents' money) are always punctual or come earlier for my class. So far, i just came late once for class. or maybe it's because they just love English. ok ok not because of me kot.anyway, for all the classes that i've been teaching so far, i did pamper my students with all sorts of games, quizzes, and interesting activities la konon-kononnyer. And they were enjoying each moment in class. So, everytime i enter my class, i can see how eager they are to know "what is the game for today, miss". okay, i am caught with my own creativity now.

The students have been so pampered and they really hunger for interesting lesson each time. I don't blame them. and i don't blame myself for giving them entertainment. All i have to do is i need to be creative each time i want to plan a lesson, so that their enthusiasm will reside until the end of semester, at least.

It's ok..i think this anxiety is in a good way and i'm going to adapt with it.

hope my lesson worth their time


  1. u know happened to me the first months when i started teaching. pastu...when the students mula x appreciate what we gave to them...da dtg sakit then...tahan je la...n hope for the best...hehehe

  2. tp...keep the spirit up...berkhidmat untuk anak bangsa...x setiap ari jadi camtu..hahaha

  3. tula fasal..budak2 ni asyik nak games jer....but i put lesson inside la..

    kene banyak sabar kan..
