Monday, February 1, 2010


susahla nak blogging kat opis ni.msti ade yg menyinggah..i x suke org kat ofis ni bace ape i tulis.nak ngumpat fasal diorg pn susah.da balik umah, mls lak nak bukak laptop and menaip.that's why my entries lately ni, so simple and sweet ;)

Being a lecturer to young adults kan, are really challenging. But, as for me, this challenging is fun to deal with. You have to face so many types of attitude and lame excuses. Sometimes it's funny and sometimes it's NOT. But, being me...i love being motivated. And yes, my students are one of the biggest motivation that i have right now. When i see them, i see myself, struggling to complete my study. They are doing their degree and I am aiming my master's soon..hopefully.

The students are having their speaking test within this week and next week. One class had already done it (Half of them). They did it excellently. But of course, the ones who were well-prepared had no problems to excel in the speaking test. I found that they will have no big issues once they step in the working-life. Because they are well prepared. But for those, who are always keep procrastinating and not ready, are actually reflecting their own future soon.

Of course, I am not a super-duper-always-well-prepared-girl during my degree years. And if only I could turn back time and study gile2 dulu and always be prepared....I envy my students and I want to complete my master's a.s.a.p.!

1 comment:

  1. good luck babe!!

    i pun tak prepare punye org. hahha hari ni punye class, i gelabah tak tahu nak ajar ape. hahha
