Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thank You my sweetie pie

hellloooo...good day. i'm still here. watching, observing and lazying around. i am in my office...alone..when all my colleagues have things to do. The reason why i was so silence is i was having quite a bad morning sickness or should i say all-day sickness for 4 months. Now, i feel much better, but still having nausea smtimes. Well, how do i judge my health progression? I feel better because yesterday, i managed to cook and it means that i can stand for hours in my kitchen without having any headache.

time passes by, this is already my 4th month of pregnancy. There are so many tips- do's and dont's that i got from friends, mom, MIL, colleagues. I have not decided yet which hospital that i will prefer to deliver my baby soon. Everything was going so fast. I even did not have a time to share my sickness, my happiness of having a baby here. I am glad to be blessed with such a wonderful husband. He has been the nicest husband and father-to-be. He took care of me, prepared me breakfast (sometimes), lunch ( most of the time) & dinner (most of the time) for this 4 month time. He was so patient and bare with my helpless condition. I could not ask for more. Yes, he did complain how he miss my cooking. And, InsyaAllah, I will cook for you my sayang...even though you have impressed me with your cooking as well.


  1. ur pregnant. thats so sweet!!! congrats dear!! pics mane??? nak tengok hehe

  2. thanx sweetie!
    x nak...i gemuk...huhu
    nnti i reduce weight keh i post picture..hihi

  3. mmg la pregnant gemukk. lol. nak tengokkkkkkk

  4. gemuk n buncit lain la yang. buncit. yes i am. but gemuk too...my doc dah marah berat i naik dari yg sepatutnyer...ok for u hana..nnti i put some here hehe
