Friday, February 18, 2011

potong kuku waktu malam?

few people had reminded me that not to clip fahri's nails at night. especially elder people (mom, mom in law, aunties). it is believed that your nails will turn out badly, like it will give infection towards your nails. i was like.... what? i am sorry if u have the same point of view, but i just don't believe it. and i have found this from one website...

"Disebutkan di dalam syarah al-‘Iqna’ Matan Abi Syuja’ ( 1/60 ), menurut Imam al-Ghazzali di dalam Ihya Ulumiddin, bahawa tidak seharusnya seseorang yang berjunub memotong kuku atau mencukur bulu dan rambutnya kerana semua tadi akan dikembalikan di hari akhirat nanti dalam keadaan junub ( tidak bersih) .

Bagaimanapun, setelah diteliti asas kepada pendapat ini, maka tiada didapati sebarang dalil yang menyokongnya kecuali logik aqal semata-mata tadi. Demikian menurut Syeikh Sayyid Sabiq, Syeikh Atiyyah Saqar dan Dr. Rif`at Fawzi, professor Shari`ah di Univ. Kaherah

Soalan ini pernah di tujukan kepada Imam Ibn Taymiah di dalam kitabnya “Ghiza’ al-albab, 1/382 ) maka beliau menjawab : “ Tidak aku ketahui hukum makruh membuang rambut dan bulu dan kuku ketika junub, bahkan Nabi SAW bersabda : “ Sesungguhnya seorang mukmin tidak najis (tubuhnya) samada hidup ataupun mati�?, malah Nabi memberitahu : “ buangkan darimu bulu-bulu kufur (yang tidak dicukur semasa kafir) dan berkhatanlah (apabila masuk Islam) “ maka arahan Nabi tidak menunjukkan sebarang tangguh cukur selepas mandi. Demikian juga diperintah wanita haid agar menyikat rambutnya semasa mandi junub, yang mana diketahui bahawa dengan menyikat ini boleh menggugurkan rambut (sebelum tamat mandi)..justeru apa yang dikatakan sebenarnya tiada asalnya.�?

Tiada sebarang halangan untuk memotong kuku secara junub. Pandangan ini juga datang dari tokoh ulama Tabien iaitu Ato’ bin Abi Rabah. ’Ata disebut pernah menyatakan seseorang boleh melakukannya dalam keadaan junub, malah dalam keadaan junub dan tidak berwudu’ (Riwayat al-Bukhari)

Sebagai makumat tambahan, kemestian menanam rambut, kuku yang dipotong dan sebagainya juga tiada sebarang dalil (kecuali jika dibimbangi akan diambil dan disihirkan), demikian juga larangan memotong kuku di waktu malam. Wallahu a’lam"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

post-natal weight

this is me after 2 weeks i gave birth to fahri. my weight at that time was around 57 kg! ok..before i gave birth to Fahri, my weight was 65 kg! then, a day after i gave birth to him, i was 59 kg! i felt like wanted to faint all over again after knowing my post-natal weight at that was really hard to get the pre-pregnancy weight back...and of course the pre-pregnancy shape n curve as well!

55 kg at 44-day after confinement. huhu.
look at my hip...that would be the most problematic part for most mothers!

during cukur jambul fahri- about 50-day during confinement- 54 kg. look at my chubby face!

2 months after giving birth- my weight was 53 kg. still, my hip needed help on that particular time

then, i managed to lose weight at 52 kg.phewww

51.5 kg...during company dinner

now, my weight is 50 kg (the lowest) and can go up to51.5 kg sometimes. well, i would love to have my pre-pregnancy weight, which is 49 kg back...but i am thankful that i am very close to that number...alhamdulillah... FYI, i do not take any 'jamu' supplement to lose my weight because i wanted to see whether i should depend on it or not. but of course, for the next baby, i would like to eat 'jamu' as well.....

ape u buat while panaskan enjin kereta on your way going to work?

hehe...saje..da lame x update bile check folder pictures dlm notebook, mcm bnyk plak gambar camwhoring..especially the ones in my car before going to work or send fahri to my MIL's house...there are some pics at office's washroom and my room as well hehe...x senonoh...well...i am a shawl-collector, unofficially! and i love it!

am still breathing... ;)

tajuk mmg x kena mengena ngn all the images below...just want to let u know that i am still here (if there is anyone who wanted to know...anyway, is there anyone out there?? woohoooo..haha psycho jap)...i know ..i have been abandoned this blog since last december? last year? yup... there is no good reason other than 'am sooo super busy with my work'. so many things had turned i wish i have the time to blog every single day...well...while i was dumping this blog away, my little son is happily growing up ...this is the progression...let's recall and see what's up dude...


isn't he adorable? yela..anak sendiri..sape lg nk puji kan hehe...

4-day young

he was admitted at Umra due to jaundice...i would say that would be the hardest moment for me as a mother...crying like crazy!


already back in our crib, Klang. one of the earliest outing with pa n ma. just recovered from jaundice. it took almost one month to fully recover from it.phewww

2-month plus2

we have decided to botakkan fahri with hope that he will have healthier hair...pity him..because everybody loves his pacak2 hair..but we just decided to botakkan him anyway...

2-month plus2

first wedding attended. well-behaved young boy!

rambut dah tumbuh sikit and his skin became fairer...we believed that he is fair but due to jaundice, he looked darker before...

3-month plus

a very happy baby during bath. he loves and enjoys every moment during his bath

3-month plus
attended lin's daughter birthday party. i just love this photo...he looks so adorable!

3-month plus

people said he has this pair of 'sepet' eyes. well, for me, he is not sepet, but he has small eyes, yet adorable hihi...anyway...where did you get this sepet eyes, fahri?


he could hold his bottle on his own!


finally, his first successful prone!

4-month plus

his latest look. am i cute? 'yes, u are!'...and mama will be your biggest fan ever! mwahhh