Wednesday, February 14, 2018

38 weeks 5 days

Assalamualaikum wbt,

My last day in office today. I have a check-up with Dr Ummul tonight and since I am about to reach my 39th week of pregnancy, I plan to ask her for few days MCs maybe or a week MC? I don't know. Will consult her tonight. I don't think it's a good idea to drive to work by next week when I am at 39 weeks, which baby will make her debut anytime soon (even though I am still feeling fine, no labour sign yet). I can't really tell whether it's gonna be next week or it's gonna be overdue (hopefully not). 

Alhamdulillah, since it's the semester break now (just the perfect timing), I have no classes and all of the marking-related works were done, the exam board meeting had been held, so basically for these few days all I did was online, online and online and of course membawang with my colleagues and friends 😂

So, I did manage to read some tips on the correct ways of breathing in preparing for labor. So, kita share kat sini:

Credit to this blog:

Masa mula-mula rasa nak sakit...contraction manja-manja atau braxton hicks
  • Tarik nafas dalam-dalam ikut hidung, pastu lepaskan ikut mulut
Masa contraction makin kerap dan makin sakit
  • Tarik nafas pendek-pendek ikut mulut, dan lepaskan cepat-cepat ikut mulut jugak..
  • Gaya mcm huuuppp-haaappp huuuppp-haaaappp (mcm lepas lari 100m or 200m dulu kot tp dengan lebih bertenang)
  • Tp jgn kosongkan lung/paru2 terus sebelum sedut nafas seterusnya.
Bila rasa nak meneran tp belum dilated 10cm lagi
  • Tarik nafas 2kali ikut hidung, lepaskan sekali ikut mulut
  • Gaya mcm sniff-sniff-fuhhh
  • kalau tak rasa nak meneran, hembus nafas mcm biasa
Bila dah tiba masa meneran
  • Tarik nafas dalam-dalam ikut mulut, dan lepaskan dengan sekali nafas secara perlahan-lahan ikut mulut jugak.
  • Lepas dgn sekali nafas, untuk elak baby termasuk balik (mcm mana tu ek??)
Posisi ketika nak meneran
  1. Nurse ajar tadi, masa nak meneran ni, position kita ialah dlm keadaan duduk bersandar sikit.
  2. Mintak katil diangkat. Tak pun husband tolong ampu bahagian belakang badan/kepala kita supaya lebih tinggi dari berbaring.
  3. Mata pandang perut (boleh jadi penguat semangat nampak perut mengempis bila baby keluar). Dagu cecah dadaketika meneran.
  4. Kedua-dua tangan pegang buku lali dengan kuat untuk elak diri sendiri dari angkat punggung.
  5. Bila rasa sakit baru push dengan sekali nafas.
Posisi suami ketika saat-saat isteri nak meneran pula:-

Sebelah tangan pegang bahu isteri untuk dijadikan sebagai tempat menyandar (isteri boleh bersandar dilengan suami supaya terasa lebih selesa). Dan sebelah tangan lagi tekan lutut isteri untuk mengelakkan isteri mengangkat punggung semasa meneran (elakkan koyakan)

And another good reading which I have found from this blog

"Kalau ikutkan kaedah sebenar Hypnosis Method tu, dia ajar kita guna pernafasan dengan ratio 20:20. Sambil tarik nafas guna hidung dan fikirkan "RE..." (20 saat), kemudian hembus guna mulut sambil fikirkan "LAX..." (20 saat). Tapi saya tukar RE-LAX tu jadi Doa Nabi Yunus. So, dalam kita sakit dan cuba aplikasikan kaedah pernafasan tadi, kita boleh tambah bertenang. Insya-Allah."

Well, TBH, I did not practice a proper breathing technique during previous labour because I did not do any research about it. All I knew was .... the pain was unbearable! I guess the mindset was already negative (of course the contractions are painful) but let's play with psychology this time, will ya yana???? Whatever it is, may Allah ease my labour pain and labour journey in shaa Allah. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

37 weeks 6 days

Assalamualaikum and hye

I am still here in my office and everyone was like "Yanaaa u're still here??" "Bila nak cuti?". The answer is I do not know. Will see. I can never tell when I am going to have my labour obviously. I will just go with the flow. But, I guess I will just ask for few days-MC from my gynae at 39 weeks if let say there is no sign of labour still. Based on previous labour experiences with the two brothers, I gave birth to Fahri at 38 weeks 3 days and Naeem was at 39 weeks 2 days. So, we'll just wait and see for baby no 3. 

Of course, I am so nervous thinking about THE DAY. I mean, different labours will have different story. Of course I am praying to Allah swt to ease my labour pain and journey just like the brothers, Abang Fahri and Abang Naeem. 

I still remember (and luckily I have this blog for me to refer), my labor pain when delivering Fahri took one hour and it took me four hours to deliver Naeem. Alhamdulillah for the short labor especially for Abang Fahri. But again, we can never tell how the labour journey will be for this baby. Allah swt is the best planner indeed. I leave everything to HIM and may Allah swt always protect me and my baby with smooth and easy delivery...aminn

While waiting the baby to make the appearance (I am yet to reveal the gender...  because I am kinda person who will only tell when I actually see it haha), these are the things on my mind:

1) Gonna meet my gynae this Friday for the 38th week check up. It's gonna be our 4th check-up in UMRA. So far, I've met two gynaes, one male gynae (that time, I forgot to request for female gynae) then the second visit, I met Dr Wan Elly (she's so adorable) so I stick to her till my third visit last week. Currently, UMRA is practicing an additional charge if you want to book for an O&B to attend you during labour. But, I guess I am ok with any OB as long as it's a SHE... in shaa Allah. And based on my experience, UMRA will provide female OBs for normal labour.. and the male doctors will usually attend emergency c-sect procedures. Well, wish me luck!

2) Oh ya, during my second visit in UMRA, Dr Elly did this swab procedure, where she took a little of my discharge sample to check whether I have GBS (kind of infection), It's a normal procedure when you are at your final trimester. And yes, I do have GBS. Thus, I already took the vaginal tablets, Fluomizin which I need to insert 6 tablets for 6 nights into my V! Ohhh I will not tell you the process of doing it hahahah but only 4 tablets managed to get through LOL! So, on the next visit, I told Dr Elly about it and she said it's ok as long as at least 3 tablets go through. Ok good. Anyway, she has informed me that once I have my labour sign later, they will drip me with antibiotic for another GBS treatment. Ok hope this GBS thingy will just go away as I have read it's not good for the baby. But according to her, the infection as in my case is just at moderate level.

3) If I feel OK, this Thursday, I will go to PPUM because they want to conduct a study for my pregnancy as according to them, my pregnancy case is interesting (thyroidless pregnancy). There will be students and specialist interviewing me, asking some questions and they will pay a bit. I will update more on that, IF I feel larat to go that day.

4) Getting more emotional by day now as I am thinking too much about how my boys gonna be during the first few days of my confinement. I mean, I know my boys. I know how to pujuk them when they dont want to eat, don't want to do homework, dont want to pray, etc. I really hope I have the strength to entertain them (huhu that seems impossible for the first few days of pantang) and of course my husband will be super helpful, in sha Allah. And of course they have their opah, atok, nenek, tok wan, acu Alhamdulillah. Hope everything will go well and easy.

5) Still finding the strength to wake up at early midnight or before fajr to perform Solat Sunat. I MUST really need to do this before I give birth.

6) There are still few surahs in my checklist that I haven't recited. Hopefully I can khatam the remain selected surahs soon.

Till next post In shaa Allah 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

My supplements for this pregnancy

Assalamualaikum and hye..

Saja I want to record what I have been consumed during this pregnancy for future reference. Since my pregnancy kali ni is not as challenging as previous pregnancies, Alhamdulillah ( i mean in terms of alahan and muntah2 yang teruk), I managed to do more reading this time, surveying on other people experiences (Dulu nak baca pun pening). I still remember, when I was pregnant for Fahri and Naeem, I just rajin consume folic acid and obimin as well as anmum milk. Oh ya , I love Soy Milk so much when I was carrying Fahri. Maybe that's why Abang Fahri putih macam anak Cina sampai sekarang 😄

So, this time around, through reading and friends' experiences, I managed to get all of these supplements and consume:
Folic Acid--- As usual la kan... the moment you know that you are conceived, this is a must vitamin to consume. I had consumed folic acid till the second trimester

 New Obimin--- Consumed this from the second trimester till now (37 weeks) still. 

Anmum Materna --- But i prefer to drink the original milk flavor. This time around, I don't feel like to have the chocolate flavor. 

 Buah Delima--- Dulu masa Fahri and Naeem , nak makan pun rasa tak lalu.. i mean any buah...but this time, i dah makan twice. First time makan macam biasa je and tak habis. Second time baru i tahu kena makan sampai habis sebab katanya dalam banyak2 biji tu ada yang paling berharga gittewww takpela u olls saje2 je cuba
Jus Delima- I think any brand will do. Gulsan ke tak ke In sha Allah semuanya ok. I kebetulan kedai buah kat bawah office je so few times jugak beli jus delima ni.. Alhamdulillah boleh telan hehe
NeuroGain- Supplement I beli sendiri kat pharmacy.. Good for the baby's brain katanya..x pe kita try je 

VCO SoftGel D'Aura- I beli online je. I beli softgel sebab jimat sikit. I actually of course hanya percaya kepada kuasa Allah swt, tiada kuasa selainNya, but sambil2 tunggu baby keluar, why not i try je kan..In shaa Allah 

 Buah Kurma- Dah start makan hari2 untuk tenaga orang cakapkan
Susu Kambing- Ini tips my colleagues untuk banyakkkan susu ibu... but I tak jumpa lagi yang fresh milk..

ANDDDD this time around I paling suka makan ini buah... don't know why
Oranges- Like mesti beli kalau pergi market.. Nak2 yang manis2 masam tu juicyyyyy

Note: All images are from Google..