Tuesday, November 10, 2009

While reaching The Knot...

I'm sure all the bride-to-be(s) are facing the ups and downs while reaching to that big day. Well, i also had encountered some minor problems to ensure my Big Day is the one to be remembered in my entire life. Kahwin biarla sekali je kan. But of course, mine is quite simple, not tha super-grand like others'. However, how simple my wedding will be, i will try my best to achieve my wedding dream and at the same time to ensure my parents' do's and dont's regarding my wedding.
Okay...let us see my ups and downs so far (17 days left!):
1. Cik Y
Ok. Cik Y is the auntie that is supposedly handling and decorating my Dais, bedroom at Kuantan's side. She is also supposedly to be my MUA. I hired her (chewah) as she was the one who gave her service for my both cousins back few years. So, i guess it would be easier as my cousins have worked with her previously. At first, I booked make-up service, dais and bedroom set. Few months later, i found that i wanted someone younger to do the make-up.. (suka kita la kan..Big Day kite kot) because when i looked back at her touch (based on samples), she was quite old-fashion when it comes to MUA. But, when i was cancelling the make up and replace with baju persalinan, i said it nicely. I said that a friend of mine had volunteered to do the make-up for me. So, she said ok. She said i have to come over to her shop at Kuantan to pilih baju persalinan. And on that time, i already booked a new MUA, Kak Nor.
Since that, i was hardly reach her through phone. I would like to ask several things regarding other accesories such as alas pelamin, tudung, etc..but just imagine, she wouldn't pick up a call, but when my mom called her, she said she was so busy. I call x answer, i sms x reply.Pernah i call, husband die angkat masa tu die ngah tido, boleh x suami die kejot die die x nak bgn...and after that so many excuses she gave us when i want to get in touch with her. Plus, baju persalinan ( a white dress ) sangat old-fashion pastu nak charge mahal2, dah la kotor! die x basuh! i was so pissed off with the way she treated me as her customer. After a discussion with my fiance and parents, i have decided to cancel everything that i have booked with her. I asked my mom to talk to her last two weeks and cancelled everything. My mom said she was speechless and didnt expect that i will do smthing to that extent. Boleh x die cakap, die x kisah! Bukan nak say sorry pun...Now, i am so relief not to face her face after this and i already booked everything with my MUA, Kak Nor. Kak Nor is so good at customer service tau..so far i like her service..
ok..to be continued

Sunday, November 8, 2009

3 minus 1

Yippee!!! i am done with one! two more to go. what two one three ni. no..i'm talking about my commitments...my challenging commitments for this past few months. I am done with my master's courseworks and just said goodbye to my final exam last week!...huhhh..what a relief...now, i still have two more things to settle on...my wedding preparation as well as my work! (which is of course a non-stop commitment).
so far, i could say the wedding preparation is still progressing to 80%...i know! i just have less than 3 weeks left but i'm working on it ok...
yesterday my parents and my lil sis had came to my apartment and we settled on the curtain. Oh i luv my red curtain! wanna see? do come over to my house!
oh...i am so freee.... at least after completed my courseworks. i have one more sem to go for my research report..I..just can't wait!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Kelly Green

So, what is my wedding's colour theme? Actually baju sandingku nanti ijau lomot. ape? hijau lumut. or should i address it as kelly green? i like the colour. but bridesmaid i have asked them to wear white so nnti baru cantik. hantaran i da plan ngn my mom nak buat hijau putih. maybe white flowers with kelly green ribbons. OMG! i can't imagine how my mom n my aunt are decorating the hantaran back home. I am sooooo going to balik Kuantan this Friday.
Yippee! my kad kahwin da siap. And still mengikut theme..turqoise colour..my fiance was like...tur what? turqoise la sayang. x pela. men...diorang tau hijau je.i love my wedding cards! kawan2 ku..kad akan menyusul ye! mwahhhhhh

Thursday, October 8, 2009

kerja kahwin

Nak kahwin bukannye senang.Tapi kalau pikir susah, manusia mmg x kan kahwin. Sangat beruntung bagi mereka yang mempunyai parent yg nak support belanja kahwin. Ada jugak parent yang mampu tapi lebih suka anak tu berdikari, so parent cakap: belanja 50:50.Terpaksalah anak2 menabung sbb nak kahwin.Bile x cukup duit terpaksalah delay tarikh kahwin smpai rasa2 cukup. Nak tunggu cukup, macam2 hal boleh jadi.

Beruntung jugak bagi pasangan2 yang dikurniakan pekerjaan dgn gaji yang lumayan. Setahun kumpul2 dah boleh kawen. Tapi yang kerja gaji cukup2 makan je tetiap bulan memang x de rasa nak kawen la. X pun kawen jugak tapi pinjam sana pinjam sini.

Jadi, buatla yang termampu. Jangan tengok orang tu kawen perfect macam puteri kayangan ngn anak raja. Semua dapat pujian dari nasi kenduri, baju pengantin sampai gambar kawen. Semua perfect. Teringin nak perfect jugak, tapi duit x mengizinkan. Silap hari bulan, terpaksa berhutang. Nak mintak ngan mak bapak pun, biarla berpada. Janganla sampai menyusahkan sangat mak bapak. Parent akan tolong tapi ingat kite sorang ke anak diorang? X kan nak habiskan duit kat kawen kite semata2.

Zaman sekarang, buatla seringkas mana pun, paling kurang pun 20 ribu mesti ada dalam tangan.Baru2 ni pergi kenduri kahwin seorang kawan, very simple..pelamin pn x de.Tapi Tanya berapa habis, dia cakap “23 ribu jugak la”. Itu x de pelamin dah 23 ribu. Mestila. Catering paling banyak habis duit. Tapi kalau sesetengah tempat, duit akan dapat balik bile tetamu2 datang dan bagi duit. Tapi tak semua tempat.

Time macam ni la anak2 baru ingat jasa ibu bapa. Dulu, kalau mak kata jangan tetap nak buat jugak.Degil.Ayah kata yang ini, nak yang itu. Tapi bila bab nak kahwin, duit mak bapak jugak yg digunakan. Haha apela aku merapu macam Kak Sri Siantan ni. Whatever it is….pilihla pasangan yg betul, balasla jasa ibu bapa dan kalau nak kahwin, buatla yg termampu. Ukurla baju di badan sendiri ye y’all…

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cupcake & Cheesecake

lovely, isn't it? Congrats to Syah & Nis for tying the knot on last 26.9.2009 and for having a beautiful wedding, i would say. Knowing Nis, i know she's a very particular person. So, it is no surprise that the wedding turned out well as it's plan. I love the concepts and wedding cake and cute cupcakes! I got these snapshots from Nis's facebook and i couldn't make it to this wedding which is located at Kota Tinggi, Johor due to Hari Raya Celebration and stuff. But, insyaAllah, i will attend the reception on Syah's side at Segamat this coming Sunday.
Syah is one of my fiance's close friends (BFF la tu). Syah dah selamat. Tinggal dia n lg sorang- Amin. We're next on November-December. Amin? Next year maybe! InsyaAllah...

Friday, October 2, 2009

susahnye nak pakai contact lense

sumpah.memang susah ke.atau urat2 mata aku ni yg x suke contact lense.urat2 mataku.janganla degil sangat.i nak practise pakai ni..aisshhhh


I and my fiance are in a mission to find a house / apartment to rent. I'll be moving to that house/ appartment on early Nov. (only me ya). We're looking a place to live that is convenient for me and him in terms of location, distance, facilities (i want one with swimming pool) and affordable. We're thinking of Klang and Shah Alam area. Wish us luck!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Her Happiness

Newly Wed, Azimudin & Azra
Azra dear, you deserve happiness after all the nonsense that you have gone through in your life (hehe). I hope i deserve same as yours.
Truly, Yana (your childhood friend)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Before The Day...

Sometimes, I felt that I neglected one of my big priorities and commitments this year, which are my job and my master. I am really afraid I’m being not sincere to both. It is like u have two husbands already, then u wanted to have another one because it promises u endless happiness compared to the other two, which u have to marry them because of personal needs (erkk??).

This is what I am feeling right now (sometimes). I can’t wait to step in to the new phase of my life soon (November-December)- getting married (because I want to have a family like everyone else and I want to be with him until my last breath). But, at the same time I felt like I am betraying the other two commitments especially my master’s program (hopefully not). This year is a challenging year. Plus, both of my master’s classes are very tough, indeed. Ya Allah, I need strength. I can’t make this alone. I’m taking risk by committed to three big things in my life, this year and two of them will end this December, InsyaAllah…

I must be crazy doing all of these but hey…people did and they managed to handle them all. I love working and studying at the same time. It’s great and fun! It is like killing two birds with one stone. You learn the theories in class and the next following days, u apply them in your own classroom! What a great learning process I tell ya! It just that, this semester’s subjects that I am taking, are really tough and acquire a lot of effort and times. And I just don’t have them both.

Only God knows how I am scared, could not sleep at night and felt down each time I did not perform my best for my other halves- job and master. But, I just can’t wait everything will turn out beautifully by the end of this year. I want my work being recognized, flying colors for my master’s CGPA as well as being Mrs Epul. InsyaAllah..pray for me friends!

Monday, September 14, 2009

me, myself & i

some 'quotations' about me from my friends;

"yana, kan bagus kalau aku setenang kau. x de la darah aku naik je" (Kym, 2009)

"yana, maya nak buat bachelorette party b4 kawen. tp kym kate yana mesti x nak pegi sbb yana ni mmg susah nak buat jahat" (Nina, 2009)

??? huhu..macam mane diorg ni boleh cakap aku ni baik ek? hehe. but i take them as compliments lah. tenang tu mmg ramai jugak yg cakap.

Theoritically, i think this is me and of course my up-bringing had influenced my personality a lot. My mom and my dad are the most cool or tenang person in the world. Tapi, rakan2, sikap 'cool' ni ade pro n cons nyer. Just be yourself.

Friday, September 11, 2009

pantas macam kapal terbang

kapal terbang paling pantas ke?
don't u think that..tahun ni masa cepat sgt berjalan (merangkak, berlari). tak sempat nak kejar.tetibe da nak raya.tetibe lagi 2 bln i will get married.tetibe final sem coursework for master da nak abes bln 11.

In this few months time, it will be one of the most challenging period for me as a human being. dengan nak kawin VS master's classes VS kejer kat tempat yg banyak kejer macam my beloved workplace ni.Will i manage to handle all, excellently? Takut salah satu terkurang performancenyer.

Update on wedding preparation

1- baju semua dah settle.krisis dengan cik yah sudah berakhir wpun x berape nak puas hati with her way on handling customers. tapi sebab da kenal agak lame, so just proceed using her service for the dais and bedroom decoration.
2- hantaran-ade few yg blom. have to settle all by this weekend jugak.
3- wedding band blom confirm btol2 lg with my cousin
4- bridesmaid dah ade for both sides (hopefuly diorg x tukar fikiran)
5- HIV test done
6- make-up trial blom
7- invitation card dah order
8- borang2 pn blom lg

Sunday, August 9, 2009

busy week

Besides Master's classes on Monday and Friday's evening, this week i will be busy (busy ke) with Sketch Presentation. Students who take subjects; English for Language Awareness (ELA) and English for General Purposes (EGP) will present their Sketch, on this tentative 15 & 16 of August (Saturday & Sunday)! So, there will be no dating day this weekend huhu. Anyway, demi bangsa dan negara (yeah rite), i will be with my students from the practice, rehearsal till the big day itself.
I have done the sketch before when i worked with UiTM Sri Iskandar, but this time we make it as a bigger event, where all the students need to gather at the Theatre Hall on this Saturday and Sunday (depending on their turns) and this time around, there will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as well as awards for best actor and best actress. Interesting tak? The buntings will be put up and the posters will be pasted around the university compound starting by tomorrow. I hope the students will do their best for this competition because i am excited about this as well!
Huhu..i missed the time when i was so active with theatre thingy. I still couldn't believe that i have acted in a theatre before a big audience! Huhu..Yeayyy for me..
To all my students! Good Luck

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sapa2 nak cantik on Hari Raya? get your Mutiara sabah now!

yer...aksesori2 inila yg akan mencantikkan anda yg sememangnyer dah cantik tuh (ayat cari makan). All these pearls are exclusively imported from Sabah bah. So, selain nak cari kain buat baju Raya, These Accessories will make you look more blink2.If you like to purchase one or two or more! ( Boleh jugak kasi gifts kat your mom, granny, sisters, fiancee or your wife or anyone that u're thinking of! Do e-mail me at:
rm 30
GELANG Kristal berbentuK bulat dan diiKat dengan suasa sebanyaK 9 butir

RM 50
Gelang Kristal berona *hijau diiKat
dengan suasa dan diselang seli
dengan mutiara
air tawar berwarna putih

RM 35
Kerongsang mutiara putih

RM 200
*Rantai manik mutiara *putih
berselang dengan Kristal berona *ungu..

Gelang Kristal berbentuK rama-rama yang diiKat dengan suasa seBaNyaK 9 butir
*warna mengiKut KehendaK anda…

KErongsang Kristal yang diselitKan dengan butiran mutiara.. *terdapat dalam pelbagai warna

Mood Spoiler

Feel so pissed off now. Just checked my office e-mail, and got to know that i have to invigilate exam until 6 pm tomorrow! Huhhh..what a day. Just had a plan with my syg to go to the bridal shop at Bangi tomorrow after work. Mmg spoil betol mood. Yer, saya x salahkan sesiapa, but everyone needs a LIFE!

Friday, July 31, 2009

shout out 2

I love teaching.i love my students. Thank you for spicing up my day.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

shout out

My job is challenging.Full stop.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

setiaku disini

chewahh..macam name lagu ziana zain la pulak. funny kan kadang2 bile kiter blur nak cari title post kite on that day. so..inilah hasilnyer. what 'setiaku di sini' is all about? Well, actually, i did go through some of the bride-to-be blogs. Memang interesting and inspiring tapi i think i will just stay here, at 'Sweet Like Honey'. Because marriage will be part of my journey. So, i will just proceed with my current blog that i have. But, i'll try not to put so lovey dovey mushy mood here. Just K.I.S.S. =)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

kawen lagi

Okay, saja nak share wedding pictures of our TESL friends here yang dah kahwin. Marilah kite jalan-kalan cari inspiration dengan their wedding concept, theme, etc. I took all these pictures from their friendster and facebook's page. Saya kan rajin buat koleksi hehe sorry guyz, i put your pictures here to share the happiness. Saya juga ambil ini pictures from Bayne's, Lily's, Ayu's, Abby's, ridz's, dana's, sumi's facebook. I just sempat attend wedding Eja n Lynn sahaja sbb ramai sgt kahwin time yg sama n ade yg x dapat kad pun hehe.


Ridz n Rynn

Ajib n Ain

Semoga berbahagia ke anak cucu. Oh updates..dana just gave birth to a son, lyn is pregnant almost 4 months, ridz n rynn with little Aisya. Semoga kekal sampai bile2.

Bisakah sehebat ini?

okay, why don't u guyz cuci mata ngan all these beautiful pictures first. Ada rasa teruja nak kawen tak? This is my best friend since school, Zaidioerra Eriannie. Tapi kita dah lama x jumpe sbb dah lain university and workplace. She was my bestfriend mase form 4 and form 5. After that, we have met for several times during our degree years. The last time i saw her was on her wedding day in Kuantan last year, April. But, we still keep in touch until now. It has been one year she got married to Alim and she just gave birth to her first beautiful son, Hakim last June. I can't wait to meet Hakim mesti sangat comel macam mak and papa die. Also, miss to catch up things with Zai. Well, what can i say is her life is like a fairytale. Tinggal x de fairy godmother je. But, she deserves it because as far as i know her, she is a very good girl, inside and out.Ada rasa nak lempang tak tengok all the gorgeous pictures ni? Will i be able to look as good as her in our wedding pictures at least? Zai, i think u're the most beautiful bride that i've seen so far. From top to toe, from A to Z. I love everything about Zai and Alim's wedding. From Majlis berinai, Solemnization, Reception and Majlis on Alim's side at Dewan Merak Kayangan to the wedding pictures, door gifts, semuanyer i dengki and jealous tahap dewa. Also, it can be said that Zai and Alim's wedding is the biggest inspiration for me to plan my wedding. Tapi haruslah diingat, kalau modelnyer dah cantik macam Zai, memang nampak cantikla semuanye. So yana. x yah nak berangan banyak sangat. Tapi i nak nampak good as well. So, Kak Nor, my make up artist, nanti make up saya kaw-kaw tao hehe..hish..beramgan jer.. Oh..i just hope my wedding also akan jadi sesempurna yang mungkin. Tapi, of course i have my own idea, depending on the budget lah kan. We can get the inspiration from any weddings that we like, tapi kita mestila berpijak di bumi yang nyata. Jangan la pulak because of nak cantik and perfect macam orang lain, hutang sini sana lepas kawen. Just get the ideas more or less and try to materialize them based on our means. Let us explore Zai's happy ending fairytale.
Majlis Nikah and Berinai, parent's home, Kuantan

Dewan Merak Kayangan, KL, Alim's side

Dewan Utama Wisma Belia, Kuantan Zai's side