Tuesday, July 26, 2011

milestone of submission post

Assalamualaikum (tetibe kali ni nak bagi salam pulak la kan)

I am going to keep track now..on my journey of thesis submission...from today till the day i kata "yahoo! yahoooooooooooooooo! da siap ! da sumit!" macam tu la lebey kurang. so that in future, let say i want to double check with the duration of the completion journey ke, or any important infos ke about my saat-saat akhir thesis ni ke..i will just refer to this blog. ok miss bloggie?

So, today, Wednesday, 27th July 2011

I went to see my Dr S this morning after THREE times i kept reminding her about what's her feedback towards my chapters. We had a discussion, go through Chapter 1 and Chapter 4. She said that i need to do corrections, re-formatting the headings, sub-headings of my tables, concordances and the way i present my analysis. She said that my words of choice are quite colloquial for academic writing. I know. i know. my bad. i should be more formal in my writing. still, need to cite few other sources for my sweeping statements for chapter 1 & chapter 4. Also, she and I are pretty worried about my research questions. it's not like ..... really worried. it is just that we have to decide whether to include sub-questions for the two research questions that i already have. she asked me to submit both chapters asap. i am gonna submit them by this midnight or early in the morning, tomorrow..wahhh...besar cita-citaku nak antar tengah malam buta ni kan. macam x de anak ngn suami je kan nak jaga.

my comment (macam i la plak yg supervisor kan):

i don't really mind to do all those corrections for so many times. this is already the 6th draft. i admit my careless. i overlook on my language and statements. no problem. it's the process of learning. no sweat! but, my concern is.....Dr S, every time we meet, u will always ask me to change and re-formatting my tables and heading especially for chapter 4. i am always wondering, why can't u just think about it earlier? it seems like u have always come with new ideas each time we meet. hmmm...i m kind of tired re-formatting it. but, it's ok...u have my respect. i m sure u have always wanted the best. that's why i love u Dr S =). ok la...i wanna start re-formatting rite now...chiaowww...let's see whether i can email her my chapters by tonight or not...hehe

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