Monday, November 7, 2011

my pray for u, Iqram

This is Iqram Naufal. My nephew. My brother's second child. He is now admitted at Selayang Hospital due to bronchopneumonia. It is so sad to see a little boy like him has to suffer this disease. He is actually at the same age as Fahri. Ya Allah, i pray for a speedy recovery for this young boy. Panjangkan lah umur Iqram, kuatkan lah semangatnya. Kuatkan lah semangat my SIL and brother, Ya Allah. Semoga ada jalan nya...insyaAllah...ameen..ya Rabbal Allamin..

Lets discover what is Bronchopneumonia. I got this from

What is Bronchopneumonia

Bronchopneumonia is a severe type of pneumonia that is characterized by multiple areas of isolated and acute consolidation that affects one or more pulmonary lobes. This condition is similar to ordinary pneumonia, except that this is a more severe variety whose treatment requires special attention than its ordinary counterpart.

Causes of Bronchopneumonia

Bronchopneumonia is closely associated with hospital-acquired pneumonia. In a person suffering from bronchopneumonia, bacteria invade the lungs, which results to an inflammatory immune response. This reaction of the lungs leads to the filling of the alveolar sacs with exudates. As a result, consolidation takes place: a condition wherein the air space in the lungs is replaced with fluids.

Symptoms of Bronchopneumonia

The following are the common bronchopneumonia symptoms:
  • Fever: Any body temperature that goes above 37°C or 98.6°F is considered fever already. In bronchopneumonia, fever may be a symptom for having the disease especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as colds, coughing, and difficulty in breathing.
  • Cough: Coughing is a natural reaction of the body to the presence of certain elements that may irritate the throat. Moreover, coughing is very important to keep the throat and airway clean and clear, thus making breathing easy. However, if coughing becomes persistent and especially if it is accompanied by mucus, then it is a sign of something more serious than ordinary coughing.
  • A person with bronchopneumonia experiences frequent and excessive coughing, sometimes accompanied by mucus.
  • Chest pain: Any form of chest pain should be a cause for concern for those affected by bronchopneumonia. Chest pain is frequent and associated with excessive coughing and difficulty in breathing.
    A person with bronchopneumonia easily becomes fatigued and experiences difficulty in breathing especially after doing some strenuous exercise or after playing.
  • A person with bronchopneumonia not only experiences difficulty in breathing but also feels that there is also the sensation of not getting enough air. As a result, the person gasps for air frequently.

Treatments for Bronchopneumonia

The best bronchopneumonia treatment is to get some rest. This is to provide relief to the body and prevent it from getting fatigued, which is one of the common symptoms of the disease. On the other hand, one may prepare a home remedy by mixing lemon juice and honey to help soothe the throat and help the body expel the mucus that has concentrated in the lungs.

1 comment:

  1. hope Iqram will recover soon. get well soon sweetie
