Monday, June 22, 2015

Oh Anak !


Yesterday.. I felt so bad for not giving my full attention to my kids. These few weeks were very hectic, physically and emotionally. Poor my kids. When parents have work, health or any adult issues, we tend to have less focus towards them. Now I am talking about myself. Honestly, it has been quite sometimes I have not checked on Fahri's school books. Biasala.. mula-mula school je excited, bila lama2 da busy with other stuffs, pastu everything serah kat teachers dia je. Oh sangat tidak patut.

Mama minta maaf ye sayang. I am truly sorry. Tapi thank you Allah swt, He gave me a wake-up call last night. Nothing serious happened. Just He gave me the thought. He reminded me. Alhamdulillah. 

Lately, Fahri and Naeem constantly find a cause to start a fight. Usually, they were fighting over toys / handphones / bicycles. And Naeem himself, he can't stand when his brother is playing alone. He will try to seize anything that his brother is holding or playing, most of the times. And I am very worried now since Naeem is a big fan of Ultraman, he will always bring Fahri onto his world and both are role-playing the Ultraman characters. I just feel this is so unhealthy because once they start to role-play, they will become so violent. I just feel bad that I did not put an effort to stop this. This is all the influence of You Tube, the handphones, the gadgets. No, I am not blaming the technology, but I am blaming myself for not trying to stop this.


I want to stop this. Starting from today. I am going to go to MR DIY today and buy some stuffs to fulfill their quality time till they forget what is Ultraman and Handphones! hah.. semangat sangat mama ni. Kita tengok ada hasil ke tak.

So, these are my plans:

1. Reward Sticker.

I have read about this from two blogs- Husna and Saatakukaupilih. I wanna try this, to motivate my son to complete any tasks by using stickers.

2. Drawing

I need to buy a very captivating crayon pencils and a big drawing pad. TWO. one for Naeem and one for Fahri because at this age I find they are hardly to share things.

3. RolePlay

Move on Ultraman! Mama is going to buy and collect more role-play toys. I am looking for Kids Doctor Kits, Craftman Tool Set or Fire-man tool set. 

4. Buku kisah2 Nabi

This one is quite expensive but I am really looking forward to purchase a set of this!

Wish mama luck!

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