Sunday, October 18, 2020

My Naeem

My Naeem. Actually I am quite sad that I was not able to record memory as much as I did for Ashman for Naeem (and Neesa of course). Especially bila diorang dah besar ni, oh dear there were numbers of events and significant milestones that I did not manage to keep here. Sad. Due to my busy and hectic schedule. Anyway let’s continue with Naeem.

Naeem kesayangan opah. Itu yang boleh I kata. Of course la we love him so much. Naeem ni challenging a bit as he loves to argue with you (more to asking why I can’t do this and that) BUT for me I truly believe that this is a test by Allah for husband and I so that we will improve to become a better parent and a better khalifah, specifically. For me, Alhamdulillah I truly understand his character. But the challenge is to what extent that I should be nice and kind, and when I should be more strict, you know what I mean. Tapi I selalu muhasabah diri when Naeem buat kite marah because that’s when you have to reflect upon yourself. Thank you Naeem. I know you are a good boy and YOU ARE. He is such a sweetheart at times. He is so caring yet sensitive. But mama has to be firm because mama wants the best for you my darling. I know you are. Biasalah budak2 nak membesarkan..

Unlike his brother, this one tak suka makan sangat, still nak makan bersuap and still minum susu dalam botol ye tuan tuan and puan puan ahaha nasibla naeem if naeem baca ni just take it as something yang lucu untuk diingat ok. But he is the one yang easily to get friends, very active and of course la his deep and loud voice tu semua orang tau. But, when it comes to taking pictures, still shy2 cat just like the brother. A gadget freak jugak so mama memang pantau 24 hours. And the best part is, suka tolong mama kemas rumah, I must say he can be very particular and quite perfectionist when it comes to keep the house neat and tidy.

Academic wise, so-so juga and I really need to get him motivated so that he will love studying and learning. Actually dengan naeem ni, you have to use psychology.. I mean to all kids la actually. So that they will understand why they need to study and not just spend time watching tv or playing. As parents, we just need to put extra effort. Kena rajin skit to explain this and that.

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