Monday, April 6, 2009

pilihan yang tepat?

I dont know why but i always have to face this kind of dilema. What dilema? Well, i just accepted a contract based position at MSU last Wednesday. I am almost complete all the requirements needed by this college to be a staff here. I went to Muamalat Bank with Nina (my new colleague) last thursday to settle on my account thingy. I have my own place now at Block C ( have to mendaki tangga 3 tingkat everyday). And the most important thing is i have singned the contract! And what is the dilema here, yana? okeh okeh..the thing is yesterday's noon, i got a call from UNITAR ( i have always wanted to work there) and this very friendly Head of English called me to inform that i have been accepted as an English Lecturer at UNITAR. I wish i could scream when she was informing that and say YES! YES! YES! but I just coudn't. I am already an English Tutor at MSU. Working at UNITAR is always being my dream because i just love the place and working environment there but MSU has offered me first so i could not wait any longer for other offers. I did ask UNITAR before, when MSU had offered me but they said, there is no decision yet. Still in on-going discussion. But, i could not wait because i am afraid i will not get the job at UNITAR. Pastuh kalau MSU tolak, UNITAR tak dapat, tak ke menyesal sambil nangis lagu2 kecundang lagi? So, I have decided to accept the offer from MSU.Okeh, untuk menenangkan hati yang gundah gelana kerana sudah terima MSU dan sangat terpaksa sekali menolak UNITAR, marilah kita renung2kan advantages yg MSU ade yg UNITAR x de, dan, selamat beramal!

Kelebihan MSU berbanding UNITAR:
1. Dekat ngn rumah..15 minit je...
2. X payah siap awal2 sgt.
3. jimat minyak
4. x payah susah2 traffic jam
5. x payah bayar tol
6. Didapati billboard MSU lg banyak drpd UNITAR di seliling jalan ( so what? )

Walaupun UNITAR:
1. Gaji lebih sikit
2. Dekat sikit ngan UM
3. Environment macam best
4. Dah establish
5. X pernah dgr cerita buruk fasal UNITAR

Tapi still aku rasa dah jodoh aku ngn MSU, so terima jer la. HUHU sedey la sebenarnyer....

kenapa UNITAR? kenapa lambat sgt???


  1. weyyyy.. apasal aku tak dpt msu nehh... gaji bape dia offer ha? msu bukan sikit ke?

  2. well kerja a year kat MSU then go back to UNITAR! so u can experience both!

  3. tachu..sikit jer die offer..lebih kurang gaji dulu gak..tapi da terpaksa accept ari tuh takot x dpt kejer lain..msu ngah cari orang tu la..mcm2 citer x best aku dgr fasal msu

    hana..i plan nak kejer ngn IPTA la lau ade peluang after abis master...jom!

  4. jom!!!!!!!!!! yanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! rindu. haha
