Sunday, August 19, 2012

Aariz Naeem

Name: Aariz Naeem
D.O.B: 9th August 2012
T.O.B: 12.22 pm
P.O.B: Hospital Bersalin Umra, Shah Alam
Weight: 3.41 kg
Height: 50 cm

 It has been 9 days that I've given birth to my second son, Naeem. 

I was warded earlier than my EDD, on the 9th of August because of spotting as well as minor contractions. That morning around 4 o'clock, after noticing the spotting, I told my husband and asked him to eat his sahur earlier because I was afraid I would have my major contractions any sooner. I changed my panty liner to double check the spotting. Then, I could see fresh blood on it. Told my husband and the contraction was keep coming back in every 10 minutes. Then, we decided to go to the hospital and we sent Fahri to my MIL's house. At 5 am, we reached at the hospital and my gynae have checked whether the baby is ready to engage but the gynae said it was only dilated at 2 cm. I was so frustrated because I just wanted to get over and done ( dah lame tunggu ). My gynae asked me to walk around or go back and come back at 10 am. So, we returned to MIL's house and we were so tired and sleepy. So we had a little nap before going back to the hospital. While I was having my deep + not so ease slumber, I could feel my major contraction was attacking me in every 5 minutes and it was really painful! At 9 am, I couldn't stand the pain so I tried to get ready by having my shower and breakfast before surrendering myself to the labour room. At 10 am, we reached at the hospital but mind you, the journey from my MIL's house to the hospital which took 20 minutes, was very painful!
I did vomit in the car, luckily hubby managed to give me the tissues. I was not so sure why I vomitted....but it made me less energetic.

Sampai je, they checked me....and I told the gynae that I was having my contractions frequently. She checked my dilation, and said it was already 7 cm. I was like "yessssss!!!"..haha because I just can't wait to see my baby. At 12 pm, the pain was getting harder and I just couldn't bare it. I cried more compared to my first labor. I think I have stretched Epul's wrist and hand most of the times. Then around 12.15 pm, it was about time for me to push and I said " tak tahannnn...rasa nak kuar dahhhh"...Then, the gynae and the midwife with the other two practical nurses were ready for the labour...I was pushing for several times but because of the pain and I have no energy, i was shaking when I was pushing. It has affected my pushing technique. I remembered the gynae mad at me because I tried to close my legs  every time I wanted to put. But, trust me, i just couldn't think about the correct technique, no more! Then, a few minutes later, I pushed with all the helpless energy that I have and suddenly they said 'ok..u are ok now..the baby is already out'..Fuhhh Alhamdulillah...Oh yeah, because i was being informed earlier that my baby this time around is quite big, I have prepared myself to push as hard as i could. I guess it has helped the process.

The doctor put him on my chest, I had delivered the baby!! Alhamdulillah!!! Although I was blur, but looking at his face, I felt so relieved!! and he distracted me from the process of taking out the placenta and other horrible 'cleansing' procedures that had to be done. There were stitches since episiotomy was performed. I hate the stitching process! It felt like forever!

Anyway, Alhamdulillah, welcome to the world, Naeem! The meaning of Aariz naeem is ... Aariz: leader/ respectable man. Neem: blessing/ cheerful

 Naeem..on his Raya morning, 10th day

day one- after being bathed 

on the day he was born, he looked exactly like his big bro, Fahri.

Syukran Ya Allah

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