Thursday, October 25, 2012

massive updates!

My English team

Holla! Assalamualaikum!'s been a while. I was so busy with my new phase of life (read: handling two boys)..that makes me have no time to blog. Ok..just wanna re-cap what has happened into my life since my last post. 

On work: I started my first day after maternity leave on last 3 weeks. Oh man..there were so many 'dramas' going on which unfortunately has made my heart broken into pieces :(. It's ok. I won't share it it's not nice to do that. I felt unappreciated. Those people are so unprofessional. I just hope and pray i'll get a better place to work. Anyway, something that I could not miss when I think about my job is none other than my crazy beautiful colleagues..we are awesome! they are my panadols.  

 lunch at dominos

On fahri's 2nd birthday: Happy belated birthday my sayang! Well, we don't have that rezeki to throw a party for him as he was suspected to have HFM disease the day before his burthday. It was a very last minute called-off message that we have sent to our friends and relatives. I was so frustrated but we didn't want to take risk. If he really got infected by HFM, then we might expose it to other kids who would come. So, we have decided to postpone it. But then again, we found out that Fahri was actually not having any HFM symptoms except for he had ulcers inside his mouth...hmm..i don't know..maybe the paed was wrongly assumed. However, hubby and I still celebrated Fahri's birthday by inviting my MIL, SIL to our house. just a small one. And of course my mother was around. As long as he is happy. I love u Fahri.
Mini celebration for Fahri. It's ok, next year, we're gonna make it big!

The birthday cake that I have ordered. I did not cancel the order. It's a huge cake. 2kg! So, I brought half of it to office and gave it to my colleagues.

Hubby and I bought him a tricycle and he got an Ultraman from his Cik Lang!

On fitness: I managed to reduce weight. Now, I could see numbers such as 52 to 53 kg on my weight scaler. Of course I would be happier If i could get my 'anak dara' weight, 50 kg! haha...

Talking about fitness, my colleagues and I now are crazy about zumba! We had our zumba once and gonna make it as a routine every week! 

On EBM: Alhamdulillah, even though the stock is like 'cukup-cukup je"...but it is enough for Naeem so far. Usually, i would get around 15 to 20 ounces during office hours and direct BF at home. I have to be positive that Naeem will have enough stock.
My Spectra pump

My colorful cooler bag

My EBM per session

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