Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The reason

Last week, masa jumpa my girlfriends,Mun and Fya, Mun cakap 'tryla mintak kerja at my place..lots of benefits'.. then she explained all the benefits..mmg wow..she is a lecturer now in one of the private colleges in shah alam..in terms of salary, benefits..memang lebih sikit la from what I am having right now. Plus, she is teaching local students (I love teaching local students) while I am teaching international students. I am happy for her. Indeed, her life is more meaningful now. Tak sia2 die bersabar after resigning last year. 

Melihatkan kelebihan yang ada pada her institution compared to mine, I said to Fya.. 'yups, why not we give it a try. Let's send our CV'.. Fya is working with MIDA now in KL. So, I think Mun's place would be the best option as she is staying with her mum in Shah Alam. And she misses teaching so much.

But, now..I guess I just wanna go with the flow. I don't know why kenapa tak terasa sangat nak beralih tempat lagi. Tak de rasa nak hantar CV tempat lain. Beza gaji I dgn Mun pun rm 300. Hmm banyak ke sikit beza tu haha.. Tapi, bila fikir balik, I dah sangat selesa dengan the place that I am working right now. Walaupun ada kekurangan dari segi benefits dan students, but in terms of colleagues, working environment I sangat suka. And I don't think I will get this feeling anywhere else. Mana nak dapat tempat kerja yang separatekan lelaki dan perempuan in different floor. Sangat advantage kalau I ada rezeki dapat baby lagi nanti, boleh pump susu sesuka hati haha. My colleagues sangat baik. Dah lama I x mengumpat, cakap2 belakang, bergosip yg melampau2. But don't misinterpret my colleagues. They are still types yg hu ha hu ha jugak. But ade sedikit perbezaan la compared to my previous places. It's more Islamic. With this kind of surrounding yang kalau u solat lambat pun u rasa malu, this is definitely the best place for me to improve myself as a better Muslimah. Memangla semuanya bergantung pada diri sendiri. Tapi Allah swt dah tempatkan I kat tempat macam ni, apa lagi I nak? I pun tak tahu what will happen in future sbb my current workplace ni owner dia Pak arab, so I am really not sure where this uni is heading to in 5 years time at least. Apa yang boleh I buat, hanyalah berdoa semoga akan sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki. I mmg happy sangat kat sini. Wpun kami belum pindah to our own building (which donno when), n tak la secanggih other unis or colleges, but what matters most is tak de stress, all the tasks given to me are doable (thanks to my 8 years of teaching experience). I rasa sangat relax plak sbb dah biasa kerja teruk masa dekat previous uni dulu. Adala cabaran2 lain macam susah nak communicate dgn pak arab yang their english not that good and international students with macam2 ragam but still, being me, it is nothing to compare with the tasks that I used to do in my previous uni. Yang paling best, my working attire yang sangat sopan. At least I da x pakai tudung singkat2, baju ketat, jarang macam dulu lagi as sopan is the dress code. Most of female colleagues are comfortable wearing abaya or jubah. Lagi bets, pukul 5.30 semua dah get ready nak balik rumah..x de kerja lebih masa macam uni dulu. Terus balik and layan anak2 plak kat rumah.

I dah masuk 30. Kita kerja bukan untuk dunia semata. Untuk kumpul point kat akhirat jugak. So, I yakin tempat ni adalah yang terbaik. Fasal gaji, mmg tak kan pernah cukup. Tapi kalau kita bersyukur insyaAllah Allah swt akan berikan rezeki dalam bentuk yg lain. But at least, I bersyukur sbb gaji I mmg gaji master and lebih banyak from my previous place cuma maybe la tak sebanyak gaji lecturer lain di IPTA yg ade master atau di private uni yg gah mcm di Segi or Taylors. I boleh bagi my MIL yg jaga my kids an amount of money (which pada mulanya she refused to accept sbb die kata macam banyak I bagi) tapi for me itu pun sbnrnya tak cukup kalau nak dikirakan penat lelah my MIL jaga my kids. I boleh bayar kereta, boleh bagi my parent duit more than I gave them when I worked at my previous uni. Just to name a few la...and I skrg sempat saving lagi which dulu I mmg x sempat pun...so Alhamdulillah...gaji I kira macam lebih dari cukup. Cuma antara nak spend ke tak..and I choose to save my money. 

Dan Alhamdulillah, mungkin rezeki kami sekeluarga, my hubby dapat sambung master kat UPM part time and baru saja dinaikkan pangkat from engineer to senior engineer. So gaji die naik....Alhamdulillah..wpun duduk area Selangor ni high maintenance tp Alhamdulillah cukup semuanya wpun x de la mewah...janji hati senang kan...See... Allah swt tetap akan bagi rezeki dlm bentuk yang lain. Rezeki Allah ni luas. Apa lagi yang sy nak? .Alhamdulillah. I just couldn't ask for more.  Sy bersyukur dan akan sentiasa berdoa dimurahkan rezeki.. InsyaAllah

Thus, buat masa ni, I am happy with my current worklife walaupun sederhana tapi sangat happy. Mungkin in future kalau I dah terlalu rindu sangat nak ajar budak locals, I will send my CV ;)

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