Monday, April 20, 2015

Fitness: Zumba and Badminton

I am not really into adventurous activities. Like, you can never ask me to do bungee-jumping. Never. I am a chicken when it comes to this kind of activity. But I love active lifestyle. And Alhamdulillah nowadays, I manage to slot in some times for several fitness activities. I join Zumba finess every Wednesday. It's been a  month now. I feel so much energetic now and my body feels so much lighter now.. Alhamdulillah. I am not aiming for skinny body but for healthy and fit body.
 These are my Zumba freak bffs. Fya and Tika
 Also Bayne who has joint us.

I really love Zumba. Actually I love dancing. I still remember before I got married and especially when I was in secondary school, I love playing on my favorite dance tracks and move like anything that I wanted. I loved seeing music videos from Britney Spears, Back Street Boys and my fav dance-song is 'Lady' by Modjo. Till now, I will play that number in my car when I want to feel more rejuvenated. Maybe that's why I was never gained more than 50 kg when I was a lil bit younger. So, I guess Zumba is just what I need to do. I hope I can go everyday, but heyyy.. mother needs to do what she needs to do most, read: my lovely boys!

Then, I am also thankful to be surrounded by fitness freaks just like my friends. So, we planned for a badminton activity last Thursday's night! Can you believe it? A weekday-night. Anything for fitness and friends.. I am not really good in badminton but I surely know how to smash ;p

It went well.. We sweated ourselves and the kids were having fun. Thank you to Mirul, Lin's husband- he is one of the gym instructors in Glenmarie Holiday Inn Golf Club. So, we had a very nice place to play badminton.
 The kids inside the sports center office.

 the husbands began the match

 my bff-sha

 naeem and adele
 sorry ryn, I was not a good team mate.. I wasted so many hits.. hihi
the husbands.. thank u for being supportive to make sure the wives are getting fit!

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