Thursday, February 25, 2016

My kids' updates!

 Abg Ashman (now he likes to be called Ashman because teachers and friends at school call him Ashman) is in his second year in Little Caliphs. We have decided since last year that for 2016, Fahri will go for a morning session, no more afternoon session like last year. This is due to prepare him for 2017- his primary school where he needs to go for both morning and afternoon school sessions. Surprisingly, he is so cooperative and excited going to school every day. Of course la ada drama bila mama nak kejutkan abang Fahri every morning at 730 am... but he will be ok after shower...Alhamdulillah.. Sayang Abang Fahri sangat2!!!! Study rajin2 ye sayang... Now he is in Book 3: Siri Buku Cepat Membaca and still in Book 1 for Little Qari.

 Yang Adik Naeem ni pulak... mama wanna say Congratulations baby!!!! for successfully completing your potty training only within 2 days.. I knew you were ready since early this year but mama n papa je tak sempat ;p So...InsyaAllah no problem for schoolong next year ye sayang even though if we ask him now whether he wants to go to school or not next year... of course his answer is NOOOO hahah... we just wait next year... Actually for Naeem... it is easier for him because he is a kid who can understand and tolerate with your words. I just promised him to buy him a new Ultraman if he completed his potty training on the first day and he did it! The second day... I promised him to bring him to the playground. He is the kind of who remembers promises so make sure we keep the promises. Of course there were times where he accidentally peed on the carpet and behind the door but only for 2 days. Alhamdulillah... so proud of you sayang! Love Naeem banyak2 jugak!

I am in the phase where I am running out of ideas on what to cook for them because their appetite seems on off especially Naeem. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. good luck with the cooking. i belum sampai stage tu lai hehe
