Sunday, November 7, 2010

Doa for my sis

This is my one and only sis, Mira. I love her very much. Very much. Sbb aku sayang die, how could i tell her that i want her to be a good daughter, good lady, good sis, good student and good muslimah of course.

Dear sis bucuk, (if only she can read this)..

kak na nak yah tahu..kak na syg sgt ngn yah. u r my only sis.
i wish i could tell u that please jangan tinggal solat. jangan lawan cakap our parents. kalau keluar rumah, tutupla aurat, jgn layan budak2 laki yg ntah pape tu. sbb yah cantik. ramai org suke. jagela diri.

i know i m not that good. n maybe i am not good enough to be her role model.. but, i want her to be a good gurl. zaman skrg risau betul tgk macam2 kes fasal masalah sosial remaja. i dont know whether she has good friends or not. whatever she does, i pray that she will not leave her solat, ingat our parents..jgn malukan diorg..ingtla Allah S.W.T..

I am so regret sbb ade juge terlalai n terleka mase zaman awal2 remaja dulu. And i don't want her to be like that. I want the best for u, u..

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