Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Weekend Outing at Subang Parade

Kami ni kan... kalau boleh, every weekend tu mesti nak keluar. Jenis tak reti duduk umah punya manusia. Unless, ada interesting project macam deco rumah ke atau ada family nak datang stay over. Sebab anak-anak memang suka berjalan, well... all kids do.. but.. of course lah perangai suka berjalan Fahri Naeem tu datangnya dari mama and papa nya hehe. Luckily, both my husband and I share the same interest, we love outing, exploring new places and taking pictures! I still remember, during our wedding photo shoot, be it indoor or outdoor, we never failed to amaze our hired photographer dengan perangai poser kami ni hahaha... I still could recall my photographer's comment on our wedding photo shoot, "Aku rasa dalam banyak-banyak wedding photoshoot, korang lah pengantin paling sporting and senang nak bagi kerjasama untuk pose. Tak payah nak suruh and ajar sangat nak pose macam mana" hahaha.. Epul and I were burst into laughter hearing that. 

Tapi tak sangka pulak anak-anak bujang kami bukan main susah nak ambil gambar. Dua-duanya tak suka gambar diambil. Kadang-kadang memang hilang mood jugak tapi kami tak pernah give up sebab pada kami, masa yang berlalu ni sangat pantas. Jadi , the memories must be captured and kept. So, knowing that both boys do not like their picture being taken, we have two methods capturing their pictures; give them reward / promise them a reward OR do not tell them that we are going to snap a picture, just distract them to some points and snap! Gigih kan?

Jadi, last weekend we went to Subang Parade je la sebab Epul nak beli kettlebell nya. I olls pun baru tahu apa benda la kettlebell ni. Sejenis alat senaman. Macam dumbbell la tapi kettlebell ni lagi heavy and it works for most parts of the body. Sambil jalan-jalan cari kettlebell, sambil pose. Tak payah susah2 pergi jauh2 and spend that much.. jalan2 macam ni pun dah buat my kids happy. 

 Sampai2 I dah buat perangai.. "Abang, macam cantik je background hitam ni jom ambil gambar!" Hubbyku ikut je haha.. Testing one two three...
 Walaupun anak2 mama tak pandang camera tapi mama puas hati sebab gambar ni at least tak gegarrrrrr ;p
 Snap je bang..biar je budak2 ni tak ready (asalkan mamanye ready ;p)
Ok.. turn papa pulak. Mencabar sungguh !
 Ok..pandang atas! Ala..mama ambil banyak tak jadi la pulak hihihi
 When we were in Subang Parade, Deepavali was approaching, hence the mall was decorated beautifully with Diwali creations.
Ada Deepavali show kat bawah, abg Fahri nak tengok, adik Naeem nak jalan, mama dipersimpangan dilema.
 Adik naeem pasrah
 Next, hubby nak hantar repair jam kat Empire Gallery, so lalu stairs ni, I said "Abang, jom ambil gambar budak2 ni kat tangga ni... mesti cantik" Hubbyku pun ok je haha sabar je
Duduk elok pulak ye? haa.. ni I bagi idea konon2 hubby nak betulkan shoes diorang...pastu lari jap hahaha gigihhhh
 Dapatla jugak hasilnya... Actually, memang ada lah some people around yang tanya if they were twins. I just smile and say "Nope lah. The elder one is five and the young one is three. But sizenya lebih kurang just that the abang is taller" Sebabnya memang I suka pakaikan diorang baju sama sebab firstly tak pening kepala nak pikir sorang2 baju apa nak pakai, secondly they look cute when wearing the same style and thirdly their looks are dissimilar, thus wearing the same outfit will definitely make them look like they come from the same womb lolz ;p
 Abang ambil peta nak baca.. adik pun nak jugak
Awww so cute.. must capture!
 We only had RotiBoy and McDonald's ice creams for a break because I had prepared a heavy dinner at home
 my darling hubby
 Another beautiful decoration for Deepavali
Finally, the main purpose of the day, papa's kettlebell

this is the kettlebell worths 20kg.. good luck abang!

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