Monday, June 29, 2009

kenapa ya..

seems like most groom and bridegroom to be sudah siap dgn wedding checklist masing2.saya? huhu..I am glad that me and mr.fiance dah booking awal2 ape2 yg patut such as;1) pelamin 2) baju sanding 3) baju nikah 4) set bilik tidur 5)photographer 6) make-up 7) kursus kahwin dah ...tapi still banyaakkk lagi kot yg x siap. ape lagi ek; 1)canopy 2) catering 3) hantaran2 4) tok kadi 5) door gifts 6) homestay...ape lg ek..ntahla...maybe rase mcm lmbt lg kot and yg penting2 mcm da book..harap2 lepas mr. fiance sembuh, dapat pg tgk balik baju yg da di booking tuh.mane tau ade design baru!


  1. wow u dah nak kawin!!!!!!! best gilee

    good luck!

  2. thank u! hope everything will turn well =)

    u pn cepat2 tau
