Monday, March 23, 2009

Adam Lambert

Saper Adam Lambert nih? Seriously, i believe American Idol tv show tuh is a vocal competition for those who have the quality jer.From season 1 to season 7..i could labelled myself as an observer je la.Yess...Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken, Carrie Underwood, David cook & Archuletta were good..but they just do not blew me away. Until this dude exposes himself for season 8, the current one.

I don't care whether he is a gay or not but he is superREAL! He is so unique on his own. I am so in love with his vocal n performance. Definitely, he's going to win! I will be dissappointed if he IS truely a gay but what's the big deal? Dia bukan muslim pun hehe..

Adam, you're the next American Idol!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

hari yang bagus

i feel like today is a good day. But still, i hate myself sbb x bgn subuh td...bak kata aween n bayne..subuh kelalai. I had another interview this morning at HELP Uni.It was ok i would say. I like the interview that i had just now.No mock teaching, no test, just an interview. The interesting part, it was more like 'a heart to heart' session between two sisters. The interviewer's name is Ms. Audrey. She looks like Chinese but maybe she is Sarawakian or Sabahan. She is so fun to talk with. And maybe, the numbers of interview experiences that i have lately makes me less nervous. Besides, no mock teaching yer sekali lagi. I just loved it! But, HELP U is quite far from my place. With the tol huhu...Kalau dapat akan dipertimbangkan.So, for HELP, i think the score of chances is --> 70%

Actually, i am still waiting other offers such as from Sunway and UTAR.Ohhh..please give me a job.I hope within 2 weeks time, good news will ring my bell.

Me n sha are 'trying' our best to finish up our review. I hope both of us will do well for the presentation because the lecturer is quite straight in giving marks.

i am still afraid to tell him the truth about abil. But, i shouln't be that soft. I have the right. God, please give me a strentgh..

i dreamt of abil last nite. i miss her a lot...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Assignment: Curriculum Review

I have a review to do and me n sha will present the review by this friday. So, we have decided to review a writing course syllabus from Sha's Class. We're going to find out :
whether the students achieve what they want to achieve when they first time entered the writing class previously?
What are the common problems that they are facing when they had been given writing tasks?
What are their weakest/ best point in writing?
How are they dealing and overcome the problem?

We will be using some samples from Sha's students (because i don't have current samples.because i do not work yet) and will analyze their weaknesses and strengths in writing tasks.

We will design a questionnaire for students and also interview for the lecturers who teach writing subjects.We really hope that we will do our best this time because the presentation plus the questionnare take 20% from the course assessment. The previous group which were already presented last week were superb! and i am so jealous!

I nak score my highest CGPA ever for this semester! chai yo chai yo!


I got this from facebook.Just tried it and i think most of the results are reflecting the true me.maybe u would like to try as well

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

Yup, i don't like conflicts n x suke nak bermusuh ngn orang.Rasenye sbb tuh aku x de musuh kot.Sm people say, to make the best friend is via your first meet. And the first meet usually end up with whether u had a fight wit him/her or u like him/her because they r crazy.But i don't make friends by these ways.I prefer to apprach smone nicely? I'm not happening? Maybe..but at least i'm not creating troubles in my life
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Well, i don't really into serious people actually. I like easygoing and jovial man. But, i do love smart and determined partner. Emm looks? it depends..i'm not so into good looking people but it's a bonus if the guy has the look. Well, all of these are perfect description of man in my life now...wuuhuu

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

Very true!

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Yup! I am serious enough when i am ready to get married right?

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

Education is my priority in life. It's not like i feel like i am so no..i am still learning and improving myself. And i dont undergrade people who are not educated. It just that i really adore people who appreciates education in their life. Educated is one of the most important criterion for my future hubby.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

Yup. i do what i like most of the time, not because of the environment factors.Like now, i love lecturing adults that's why i still do not have a good secured job..hehe

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

Yes, i do believe in myself!

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Yes, things that i cannot control like death, break ups. I do afraid

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

I think i am reasonable and mature in making decisions because i have a good faith in God.

Monday, March 16, 2009

kerja kerja kerja

i just back from one more interview located at PJ. That was my 6th interviews so far. The college was small but they were so ambitious. I can see by the way they were interviewing me. But, the good thing is, i think the management was organized and i liked it the way they handling the interview. First, they had given me an attitude test for 5 minutes also an application form to fill in.Then, they gave me a set of English Test and i have to answer within 30 minutes.And the questions were quite challenging. Most of the qs were regarding to mechanical aspects, engine lah, fuel lah and guess what, there were few math questions! Yes, i do love Maths but i dont think i should solve Math problems for an English Lecturer position! But still, i think it was a brilliant idea to give the interviewee a test like this because some of us are really good in communication and answering questions during job interview, but actually are really bad theoritically. And the person who had just interviewed me just now was so inspiring me. The college is an Automotive College and she said that 99% of the students are boys. And i think a lady like her must have enough strength to handle the boys. Me? emmm...i'm not sure.I don't think i am that firm with students. Yes, this is my weakest point when it comes to teaching. I am very kind hearted and soft with the students. And i really want to change this attitude.Eventhough she (the interviewer) was quite unreasonable for me, but she has the right to do that. Oh, i really hope i will get a job as soon as possible.Well, these are the scores of chances that i gave to each places i have been applied and being interviewed:


My life tak kan tenteram selagi x dapat kejer!


I was officially engaged to my syg last Sunday.Yup, I have the two rings on my fingers now.Well..i am happy. Content indeed. I feel like i am more secured with my relationship and could not wait for my big day. But, of course both of us should always mantain our love and understand each other better. Lost of People were actually turned up during the ceremony, Thak you all.Nis, Shah, Ameen, Sha, Bakqish and Iman.

Well, actually after all the sweetness of my engagement day, i should thank the most to my parents. You are lovely. You guys have put so much effort to see me at this stage. I am so honored and touched by your willingness and hard work to make this engagement possible as it seen.Thanks mi n wa. And also to my auntie, Cik Nah, who was really kind to sponsor lots of things.Hanya Allah yang mampu balas.

Thanks to all.Luv u.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

temu dan duga

today, i got another two interview calls.Tapi yang tak bestnyer semua nak interview aku ari Khamis and Jumaat. Aku takot aku semput je. nanti mulerla keluar suara mak nenek ade penyakit asma. Hopefuly, I can do my best. Oh...i will shoot my very best sir! The another two colleges are INTI college on Thursday at 2 pm and the other one is MSU. So, for Friday, i have two places to go, MSU and UNITAR, and i will call both places tomorrow to confirm the time.And on thursday, I have an interview at Stamford at 10 am and INTI at 2. i am on demand haha.

I am so pleased with my friends' effort to go to my engagement this coming Sunday. If they really can make it, they are tersangat-sangatla welcomed. Oh ya, i'll be wearing tudung during my engagement. I want to. I just feel it is better to wear descently when there are a lot of grown up people.hehe.

I just finished my lesson plan thingy for the interviews. I hope this time will bring me luck. i hink i am 90% ready for the interviews. I really wanna make it through and get the job. I poor my dad because he always membebel about me being jobless and the effect of not listen to him before (jadi cikgu sekolah).InsyaAllah, i will prove to my dad slowly that i will make him happy and myself happy with my own choice.

Wa, na tak kan lupa balas jasa wa.

Monday, March 9, 2009


ouchhh...tajuk yang sangat tak bagos. but i am so malas nak buat my mock teaching. Nak cari bahan ape nak ajar...nak pikir camane nak jadikan mock teaching tu interesting. I have 3 interviews this thursday and friday. i hope sangat i will get one of the jobs. Dapat tiga2 pun x pe. boleh demand sikit and boleh pilih mane paling best.
I really want to make the mock teaching for the 3 interviews are remarkable to the interviewee.I nak sangat kerja okeh. nak sangat. oh..tomorrow i better call Otomotif college and Stamford to reconfirm about he interview's date because last week i had asked them to replace my interviews to this thursday.Oh ya..banyak nyer bende nak ingat:

1. okeh. yg fasal nak call kolej tuh besok.reconfirm the date

2. duit kereta x bayar lagi.

3. prepare mock teaching lesson

4. OMG! assignments yang berlambak

5. oh ya. i ade kejer sekolah yg nak kene buat. structure's exercise

i am so want to be back into normal life again

angkat bakul

kenapa saya rasa saya ni orang yang baik? ( sila muntah sekarang )

1. Alhamdulilah, saya rasa saya sangat berdosa dan bersalah kalau saya tinggal solat.sekarang saya dah pandai berhenti kat mana2 petrol palm kalau saya rasa x sempat nak balik umah solat.

3.Saya tak pandai nak cari gadoh ngan orang and kalau orang cari gadoh ngan saya pun saya tetap tak akan panjangkan pergaduhan dan tak akan benci orang itu buat selama lamanya.

4.Saya terlalu mudah memaafkan orang (yes, itu kelemahan) sedangkan orang suka pijak kepala saya.aduh!

5.Saya terlalu sayangkan family saya terutama ibu bapa saya. Saya sanggup buat apa saja untuk mereka.

6.Saya tahu macam mana nak buat orang tak sakit hati ngan saya dan tak suka sakitkan hati orang.

7.Saya lebih suka melihat orang yang saya sayang bahagia daripada melihat diri sendiri bahagia.

8.Saya tak pernah pilih kekayaan kalau memilih bf.miskin pun tak pe asalkan hati baik dan educated.dan sweet looking (hehe).dan beriman juga

9.It's hard for me to say no walaupun sbnrnyer ia akan menyusahkan diri saya sendiri.saya akan cuba tolong orang semampu saya

10.Saya sentiasa berdoa agar semua orang kat dunia ni baik budi pekerti.

Tapi, saya tak kata saya ni baik sangat.

tapi bagi saya, kalau kita sentiasa insaf dengan kesalahan kita dan sentiasa ingin improve, saya rasa kita da cukup baik

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Selamat Hari Jadi

Happy Birthday Rasulullah ku.Tomorrow is the purest day, the day of Nabi Muhammad s.a.w was born. But, do we remember? Do we celebrate? Why people are eager to celebrate Valentine but forget our own beloved prophet's birthday? Yes, i did forget before. But, now i wake up from a long lost dream. Ya Allah, aku sungguh syukur lahir dalam agamaMu dan aku sangat bertuah lahir di bawah pimpinan Rasulullah s.a.w. Nabiku, aku sangat sayang padamu. Kaulah junjungan kami umat Islan seantero dunia.Ya Allah, semoga aku tidak pernah tersasar jauh lagi...inSyaAllah...

Salam Maulidur Rasul