I was officially engaged to my syg last Sunday.Yup, I have the two rings on my fingers now.Well..i am happy. Content indeed. I feel like i am more secured with my relationship and could not wait for my big day. But, of course both of us should always mantain our love and understand each other better. Lost of People were actually turned up during the ceremony, Thak you all.Nis, Shah, Ameen, Sha, Bakqish and Iman.
Well, actually after all the sweetness of my engagement day, i should thank the most to my parents. You are lovely. You guys have put so much effort to see me at this stage. I am so honored and touched by your willingness and hard work to make this engagement possible as it seen.Thanks mi n wa. And also to my auntie, Cik Nah, who was really kind to sponsor lots of things.Hanya Allah yang mampu balas.
Thanks to all.Luv u.
Well, actually after all the sweetness of my engagement day, i should thank the most to my parents. You are lovely. You guys have put so much effort to see me at this stage. I am so honored and touched by your willingness and hard work to make this engagement possible as it seen.Thanks mi n wa. And also to my auntie, Cik Nah, who was really kind to sponsor lots of things.Hanya Allah yang mampu balas.
Thanks to all.Luv u.
yana..congrats....uish..byk sungguh blog anda...jumpa lusa mase reception lin eyh???mesi aura dah lain..hehe
sure dana..can't wait to see u ngn tummy u tuh hehe