Monday, April 21, 2014

A fun balik kampung treat-Kuantan- part 1

Alhamdulillah.. tercapai jugak hasrat nak balik Kuantan setelah sekian lama terpendam. chewahh. We've been so busy lately especially hubby. As he started his master's class since February, we are loosing our Saturdays. Moreover, I also need to conduct an online class for 6 Saturdays ( I owe two more classes). But I wanna thank hubby so much for considering my proposal to go back to Kuantan and take extra leave on Monday. Thank u abg! I love u! Ya la..after all our and especially his hectic schedule, he still manage to slot in time between this fast and furious days.

So, we went to Kuantan after I came back from Nadhrah's wedding, around 3.30 pm. The journey was ok except for Naeem vomited inside the car. Well, Mr Naeem is the one who will not seat still in his carseat. I've tried to ignore him when he cries and screams in his car seat before, but the end result was he won't stop crying through out the whole journey! So, we decided we want some peacefulness, thus I let him exploring the back seat with maybe he got dizzy and was throwing out. Indeed, he was not feeling well few days before. Fahri was ok even at first, he got bored. We try our best not to bribe them with smartphones when they are inside the car nowadays. We reached my parents' house at 7 pm. 

Oh yeah, one of the main reasons of balik kampung this time was to celebrate my sis, Mira who got 9 As in her SPM. So, my bro and I had promised her to go back and having dinner together. Apart from that, because I miss my home, my parents, my family so much. My bother, my sis in law and their adorable kids, Irfan and Ikram. Even though they just live in KL, but hey... time does matter! 

So, around 8 plus, we went to a restaurant, Lila Wadi. It's a steamboat restaurant which located inside a bungalow house at Jalan Teluk Sisek. My first time there. The food is awesome. It's similar with the one in Seoul Garden. I mean.. the style. Just this restaurant is more open air-ambiance. Really suitable for family dinner. Recommended!

the steamboat.. yummy
the only daughters in my family (my sil, myself and sis mira)
my beautiful parents

Next day, there was no extravagant plan. Because I feel tired. And I miss my home. And I want to make sure my kids eat right! yes, my kids were having eating issue few days before and my MIL almost lost her ideas on what to cook. So, I woke up that morning, determinedly to prepare porridge for Naeem. I thought he might wanna eat his blended-porridge back. oh..such a baby la Naeem. And yes, it was so true! He ate my porridge revenously. Dua mangkuk licin! Alhamdulillah. I am a happy mama! For Fahri, not really a problem nowadays, but just make sure it's either chicken (esp chicken curry), egg (as simple as fried egg) or any types of noodles. So that day, my mom cooked delicious chicken curry with kerabu mangga.. arghhh my fav! And Fahri was eating like a hungry horse. Finger licking good. Alhamdulillah. There is nothing could beat the feeling of happiness when your kids eat right!

baby Naeem yg still makan blended porridege ni..haih la naeem dah 20 months kot

 ade2 aje aktiviti abg dan adik ni

After Asar prayer, all of us were heading to MRSM Kuantan, football field to watch my brother and his team having a match with a senior team. My brother was one of the Academy Team for Pahang Football Club (Under 18) when he was a teenager. I remembered following my parents to his place everytime he has a match. So, it was a kinda re-union for them. Well, as mothers, my SIL, Kak Ayu and myself can't really focus on the match as we have few soldiers to watch for. One thing for sure, I am so happy to see my kids are getting closer with their cousins, Irfan and Iqram. They 'played' football together. They really had a good time there.

selfie with my mom haha

naeem just woke up, walking around with papa
Us with the background of the match
Fahri and Irfan Iqram

Iqram and Fahri was playing football together. They are same-aged. Who was the pro? of course it's Iqram.. well can't really blame Fahri because Iqram has more exposure on football compared to Fahri ;)

Then, we brought them to a nearby field, smaller one and they were having their time here. Running, chasing ball. And cinonit Naeem also joined them. Hayya. Obviously Naeem was always left behind compared to his brothers haha. Cian my naeem.. Nanti da besar Naeem rampas bola keh.

haha look ak this.. cinonit naeem nak jugak join.kelakar la anak mama ni
There was a funny part when Fahri was conquering the ball, running as fast as he can , reaching to the goal BUT with his hands! not his foot! mane tak bengang si Irfan and Iqram haha.. Oh fahri main tipu ye anak mama
Oh my boys.. and at times, they did some charity works like plucking the grass? eh? lol

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