Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pre-Ramadhan pot-luck

Assalamualaikum... here is another backdated post before puasa. Truth is, this is my first time organizing a pot-luck in office. My friends trusted me to organize this pot-luck. Well, I feel so honored and humbled for the trust that they have in me as I am still new in this organization. Not even a year. But Alhamdulillah, all of my colleagues are superb. I love them very much and I know they love me too. By the way, I had no problem to work on this as I only have one extra class during this semester break. 

So, it was an idea, a sudden idea by Kak Bibi... my cubicle-mate. Then, Kak Wa came and of course I miss having pot-luck in office (used to have pot-luck on weekly basis in MSU), thus we came out with the idea to have it before Ramadhan or in other words, to celebrate the arrival of holy month of Ramadhan.

I named it- Pre-Ramadhan Pot-Luck. At first, we decided on the menu and divided the menu into 3 sections; Appetizers, Lauk-Pauk and Desserts. Then, I manually went around few cubicles and asked my colleagues what they would like to bring. After like 10 lists, and the time was getting shorter before everyone went back home, so I emailed them the list. I also emailed them the purpose of the pot-luck, the theme, the do's and dont's..haha. So they had 2 days to get back to me for me to update the latest contribution lists.

Alhamdulillah..everything went smoothly. Everyone was so excited to prepare this and that. I also sent an e-mail to our CFO (Chief Finance Officer), the only female VIP that we have. Oh ya..this pot-luck is only opened to female staff. 

 So.. what did I prepare? Spaghetti Carbonara.. hmm mentang2 baru buat a week before, so ingt la lagi kan caner nk buat..
 photo before eat!! my lovely them so much

Some of the we divided the meals into 2 phases: breakfast and lunch.
These are meals for breakfast.
 See that home-made Arabic bread? This has been prepared by my colleague from Iran, Ayat. The sauce is made of humus, olive oil and chilli.
 my spaghetti and carbonara.. habis licin x sempat tunggu lunch

 Cheese baked macaroni by Irna, our HR staff, Choc cake by Suhaiza, triffle by Farah
 from right- congo bar by kak wa, serawa durian by Kak Fery and sardine roll by shida (left).
 see that home-made bread in the middle? that is buns with chicken curry filled. yummy! prepared by a colleague from Sudan, Sheraga.
 the theme was black / brown.. with Kak Nurul, Suhaiza and Farah.. This is my lunch group.
 also shu! my very good colleague

 Kak Nurul, myself, Kak faezah & shu at the back, ummi , irna, rafa (from syria) kak bashirah and shraga
 ni geng buat air..kak norli, kak zaida, mimi with kak wa (I called her as ketua rewang)
 Tika's daughter was not feeling well so she followed her mom to the office.. hye umaimah!
 Carrot cake by kak reen and shu
 these were the menu for lunch. Daging kurma (kak bibi), Ginger chicken (ujie), sambal udang (kak faezah(, sambal goreng jawa (kak wa)
with umaimah and kak bibi
 among of the colleagues
till our next pot-luck!

Alhamdulillah.. the event was successful, and the most important thing is it has made the bond and ukhwah between us the sisters were getting closer. InsyaAllah..

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