Monday, March 17, 2014


How I wish there is a list of reminders that keeps me sane everyday. Every single second. I mean..I always pray and hope that I will be discipline with my diet, my solat, my health, exercise, money..but I will end up by ignoring them all. Manusia mudah lupa. yes. When your life is ok...normal..happy..u will forget what you have promised with your self just few days before. Huh? How there any gadget that is meant to remind people about their promises and resolutions? yes? no? tak kan la nak buat reminder kat phone pulak. Ok..if..there is such gadget exists.. here is the list of reminders I would to listen and notify every single second:

1. Solat awal, dengan khusyuk sekali
2. Cuci muka bersih2 sebelum solat
3. Kurangkan makan ( Lepas makan, mesti nak p beli benda lain plak, pastu b4 balik umah mesti drive thru a&w or mcd, apa nak jadi la..pastu balik umah makan lagi)
4. Banyakkan minum air masak
5. Minum susu everyday
6.Solat Isyak awal sbb selalu solat lambat sangat sbb tertido bile jaga budak2
7. Cuci pinggan b4 tido..sian mak ayang kita klau kita da tertido dulu
8. Layan budak2 smpai diorg nk tido...haihhhh selalu terido smbil jaga diorang
9. Jangan menjawab ngan husband ;)
10. Be a good wife
11. Eat more fruits
12. Call parents more often
13. Bangun awal sikit so that tak de la kelam kelibut pagi2 nak pegi kerja
14. Baca Quran
15. Solat sunat
16. Zikir

And there are so many more I guess.... 

p/s: I love u husband!

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