Monday, March 9, 2015

Cerita sekolah Fahri

How is my Fahri doing at school? Well, just to keep track onto this blog, Alhamdulillah everything goes ok. Baru lagi. Tunggu mid term exam dia, baru boleh komen lebih2. Actually ada drama sikit first few weeks, involving his teacher and the school itself. Tapi.. biarlah ia menjadi pengalaman for me on how to handle my kids in future.

I do admit. Aku adalah seorang ibu yang terlalu mudah risau. Tapi bagus kan dari tidak mengambil tahu?
Fahri, at 4.6 years old, his speech masih belum lancar sepenuhnya. Added with his introvert behavior, Fahri memang belum nak communicate dengan kami on:

What did he do at school?
What did he eat at school?
Who are his friends?
What did he learn at school today?

He did answer but kita masih ragu2 nak percaya atau he just simply said it. So, apa yang dah jadi baru2 ni has made me realized that I have to listen on both sides (apatah lagi kalau anak aku pun speech nyer belum lancar). 

Sebagai seorang academician who is teaching anak orang lain jugak.. I understand and I can put myself in the teachers' shoes as well. So..puan2 tuan2..kalau ada apa2 jadi pada anak anda.. still.. u have to be professional.. jangan ikut perasaan sangat melainkan dah ada bukti kukuh or mmg tak de respond langsung dari pihak sekolah.

As in my case, Alhamdulillah, after the meeting with principal and other teachers, I am confident that I have made the right choice. InsyaAllah. Semoga Allah swt sentiasa lindungi my kids wherever they are. As a parent, we deserve to ask any questions related to our kids. Jangan faham2 sendiri.

 Abg Fahri with LC uniform.. he looks exactly like his papa here

 One day the teacher said "He answered questions by a production team today, so he got this reward". Wow.. terus mama excited nak tahu apa la yg abg Fahri jawab tu

First parent-teacher meeting

So, last Saturday, I went to the first parent-teacher meeting in LC. Alaaa... 20 minutes only. Since Naeem was not feeling well, so I went alone. I met Fahri's class teacher. So basically, these are Fahri's progression according to his teacher:

1- Fahri loves music and videos. He will be the one who got excited to dance each time they have music related activity. ( x sangka mama.. kat rumah tak de la nampak sangat).
2- His reading is good. Just the attention span is still need to be expanded. (Memang... kalau mama ajar kat rumah pun.. kejap2 nak baca buku ABC..kejap2 buku Iqra)
3- Need to have more exercise on writing and coloring
4- He loves art and craft
5- He is very good in recognizing shapes and colors 
6- He used 70% of English at school
7- He refused to join solat at times but the teacher said they will not force him for now.. give him time
8- Fahri loves active learning (x sangka pulak)

Ok.. and the one yang picture kat atas tu, teacher said Fahri managed to answer questions about shapes and colors very well, that's why he got the reward =)

Got this from LC's FB. Apala yg anak mama jawab tu. Anyway, mama is so proud of u syg. Kita cuba lebih lagi ok!

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